A blog about the time that passed and the traces it left behind.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Frankfurt - McNair Kaserne
Nice site. I find myself visiting Downs Barracks in Fulda about once every two years. It was fairly static for about 10 years after U.S. forces left in 1994, but has recently changed a lot on the west end. Cheers, BW.
Oh, the forgotten memories of this place. I was a soldier with the 32nd Signal Battalion at McNair Kaserne during the height of the cold-war in the early '80s. Oh, if those walls could speak. . . I am happy to see that the Germans have restored this very beautiful building. I wonder if there is any truth to the legend of "secret tunnels" below McNair?
Was Stationed at McNair Nov.68 to March 70 32nd Signal Battalion. Great memories from there,left behind some good friends, can`t believe it`s been 40 years !!! Would love to chat if anyone remembers me. Don Whittington
I was stationed at McNair Kaserne from June 1965 to January 1967 - with the 32nd Sigal Btln. Most of us were drafted and we just wanted to do our duty and avoid Vietnam. Yes, Brian, there were tunnels below the Kaserne because some of us went down there and went as far into one tunnel as we dared! BC
I was stationed in Germany and at McNair Kaserne from January 1959 to March 1961 with Co. C. 299th Engineer Battalion (C). I visited Germany and McNair Kaserne in 2004I walked throughout the complex. Quite a change..it is now apartments. It was a great place to be stationed. I enjoyed my days in the army and my tour of duty in Germany. Bill Sobolewski, Camas, Washington
i was a solder there from jan 77 till july 79 in delta company mike mcfadden but every body called me mac.i would love to see that place just one more time man.
I was stationed at mcnair kaserne from dec 76 to july 79, i had some good times there and maid alot of real friends there.i would love to visit that place one more time.i had two friends moses and david that i wish i could fined, signed michael mcfadden aka mac.
I was stationed at McNair from 1989 to 1991. (Pretty much the last of the last Army people in it) It was being restored at that time, boy did it need it. The building was full of rats and the showers were a mess. We all heard the storis of the tunnels under the building, we never did see them because they were closed off. I will not forget this place, but I wouldn't say the memory was all fond. I wonder if they killed all the rats? LOL
OMG. It appears the moderator doesn't like what I have to say. No, i didn't like my time at mcnair. yes, i hated it with a passion -- still can't get it out of my head. Worst year and a half of my life. Stationed from 1983-84. Christine Tabellion
I was at McNair Nov. '83 to Apr. '85., 32nd Sig with most of that time at outpost Taufstein/Fulda supporting the Tankers there at Downs. We were the direct V CORP support for the 11th ACR shot to Abrams Complex. It was the time of my life I will hopefully never forget. I'm sorry Anonymous didn't have a good time.
I was stationed at McNair from Jan 75 until Aug 77 with the 201st Sig Co. I had a blast and would not trade the memories for anything. I miss the people that I met and cherish the friendships that I had. Stephen M. Cushing
I was stationed at McNair from 77-82. best time of my life. Met some wonderful friends who I still contact and hang out with today. Plantation, Topper Club, Sachsenhausen. Those were the dazes!!!!
Was there for an 18-month cuppa joe, Jan 74- July '75, before moving to Darmstadt. Liked the proximity to Frankfurt (and beyond); felt sorry for the first couple wave of WACs stationed there; a couple of suicides, several more attempts and rapes like no one's business.
I was stationed in the 32nd Signal Battalion at McNair Kaserne. I can't believe I found this site. I was stationed there from 1980-83. Loved it and had the best time. Went to see Red Fox at the Topper Club and had many good times at the Sachenhausen and the Plantation and the Trinkhall!!Thats where I met my Baltimore Connection, Shorty Jones and Steel Will!
Ah yes some brilliant times where had, others not so much..(aka don't drop acid on guard duty the night everyone decides to go crazy and heart broken German girls drive their car into walls). All in all very fond memories indeed of good people, good food (no I'm not referring to "Ulie's), entirely too much drinking but such are the hazards of youth.
Stationed at McNair Kaserne 90-92 was one of the last to leave they moved and left 4 of us there for like 3 months alone. We were able to open the door under mess and the tunnels were flooded which explains why it smelled they way it did. Anyone remember a kevin saddler ? been trying to get in touch for years
I was stationed at mcnair kerserne FM 1980 to 1981 I loved being in Germany. The top hat club the em. Club electric city at mcnair and the plantation club.the Germans were great I miss my old girlfriend elleanora Costa she was solo fine that German Frau was something. I miss myriad dogged FM my unit 32nd rondey gee Gilbert, Mac Bennett,Ivan joined,mcnair himself David Earl.but I didn't like my unit at all a bunch of kiss asses blame anyone but theirself.sorry Co and Firstseargeant. The worst unit I ever served in. But loved being their.
I was a member of the 32nd Sig. Bn at McNair from 1970 to 1973. I was working on a new telephone communications system. Thankfuly the buildins look much nicer then when I was there.
I was Detached to 22nd Signal BDE from 1986-1992 as part of the 699th Maintenenace Company, Hanau as part of Detachment II, then subsequently Det I. By far the best time, (26 years) that I served in the Army!
At 18, I was stationed at McNair 83-85 with 17th Signal Bn. I was on the unit softball team, ran track for Frankfurt and was a member of the first Nijmegen team. I loved my time there and had so much fun. I served there again 88-92 with 32nd Signal Bn in HHC. Another fun time. I lived in the clubs on the weekends. The PC, the NCO club, The Topper, Wiesbaden, Hanau & the German clubs. They had the best house music. Loved to window shop at Mainz Kastel for electronics. I will never forget those days and the friends I made. Teresa Smith-Sneed.
HI, was any one stationed at mc nair kaserne co B from 75 to 77. did you know chris martin or stanley or ranger. monty, athem the football jock? e-mail me at sixto 0419@gmail.com p.s we used to hang out at karls.
I was stationed at McNair from 1974-1977. Does anyone remember the accident in the motor pool where the kid was killed in an incident with a 2 1/2 ton truck. If so, please contact me. Thanks and Blessings, Richard Matthews.
HI, my name is Kyle Blann, I was in the 32nd sig from July, 1987 - July 1989. Does any one out there remember the unit armor who killed himself down in the arms room. If so can you send me a message. Also when the female cook was murdered in the basement of the dining facility by another cook. in 87 please contact me if you remember either or both.
Can any one out there remember two incidents that happened while I was stationed in the 32nd sig. I was there from July 1987-July of 89. the first was like days after I arrived, a female cook was murdered by one of her fellow cooks in the basement of the dining facility. The second was the unit armor committed suicide in the arms room. If so please contact me. My name is Kyle Blann
I was stationed at Drake-Edwards Kaserne, 3AD, 503rd AG Admin Co, 1974-76. Played with the soul band, Sound Trek, at the Topper Club, Plantation Club, many of the surrounding bases, etc., you name it, we played there. You can hear 3 sets from the TOpper Club from 1976 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4YV8RwyuPU
Also, here's a good map of Frankfurt showing a lot of kasernes, PX, etc. at http://www.3ad.com/pio/bulletin.bd/frankfurt.landcarte.htm
The stories about the tunnels are accurate, unfortunately the truth about the dining facility is both sad and tragic. A cook was murdered in the facility and her body dragged into one of the basement storage areas where the tunnels were blocked off but still visible. I wish I could remember her name, she was a PFC in HHC Company.
I'm looking for an individual by the name of Christopher Smith who was station at Kaserne in 1991. He's from Chicago, IL. If anyone knows him please tell him to contact me at klderamus@gmail.com
John W. Tobin. Sp. 4. McNair. 32nd. Sig. Bn. TAC TEAM. 5 July 66 - 4 Jan 68. Pleiku, Viet Nam, 5(?) Feb 68 - 31 May 69. This place sure looks different. I was regular Co. B for a couple of months, then went to TAC Team. We went to the field more often than the rest of the Bn, but we were a pretty tight group. It was pretty good times. Sgt. Goldstein was our Plt. Sgt. Col. Dale Hoagland was Bn. Commander. Col Hoagland was a great guy. We got along pretty well. We were both from Seattle.
There is a good history of Camp Eschborn on the Facebook page for the 317th Engineer Battalion. Look in the 'files' section. The 317th was also stationed on McNair, '53 to '63 with the 299th Engr Bn. They moved to Eschborn in 1964. An earlier history of 'The French Kaserne' is at the Axis History Forum, Hoechst Kaserne. Built for French occupation forces about 1920.
I was station there from 76-79 many memories I remember you McFadden most of my troops were females A company I also were the DJ at the EM club in the area aka Romeo Mack
Kyle Blann, I was on duty in the EAC emergency action center when the unit armorer killed himself. I cant remember his name, but i remember it was because of his reaction to a girl back home in the world breaking up with him. So many memories of that place. I was there from 88 to 91.
I was station on Mc Nair Kaserne, 32 Sig Bn, D Company and HHC, I,m from PR, I hace great time at basic training and AIT at the US, bu to muchas ratial problema there. After all I hace great time. I love Germany I will love to go back. I was station at Mainz 1st Support Bn, 8th Infantry Dv, 1985-1987.
I was stationed at McNair 1983-1984. Had a great time. Lots of good food and drink in Frankfurt. B Co 32nd Sig Bn. Stayed on the 3rd floor right next to the CQ desk. I was a Private so the barracks was my home.
I was stationed at McNair 1983-1984. Had a great time. Lots of good food and drink in Frankfurt. B Co 32nd Sig Bn. Stayed on the 3rd floor right next to the CQ desk. I was a Private so the barracks was my home.
I was stationed at McNair 1983-1984. Had a great time. Lots of good food and drink in Frankfurt. B Co 32nd Sig Bn. Stayed on the 3rd floor right next to the CQ desk. I was a Private so the barracks was my home.
I was stationed at mcnair assigned to Comdex. Also worked at the n c o club. I was a waitress and worked with Benito(bartender) and John (waiter). Loved Germany and have a lot of fond memories.i will be going back. Is there anyone reading this that worked for COMSEC 1979-1981 I was the p.l.l. clerk Thanks. Mac (female) l.a. mcallister
I was stationed at McNair Lythia Gore HHC,S-4. Had 2 tour’s 17th Sig ( 1979- 1981) then 32nd ((1984-1988) had my mom over in Germany with me and my son. I enjoyed my tour’s travel when possible. Got a flyer from some one T.Taylor. Wants to have some kind of McNair meet up in June 2020, have anyone received this in the mail???
Was with the 69th Engr Co (Topo Corps) from '68 to '69...at Michaels Barracks ...the company was relocated from Gibbs Kaserne. shortly after I REFRAD the unit deactivated. Our dispensary, snack bar, everything was at McNair. Lots of craziness going on at the 32 Signal back in the day. Spent a lot of time at the Plantation Club next to the 97th General Hospital...they had lighted panels in the dance floor! Short trip by strassenbahn into Frankfurt. The Hoechst castle on the Main River was impressive! Great times! Robert Stock Sp5
I was at 17th sig, 90to 91. Was NCOIC of final clean out rooms after Gulf War. Troops were already gone to Kitzigen. Went to G6, Abrams Complex after that.
I was stationed at McNair from 86-92, started at B Co 32nd Sig then assigned to A Co 17th Sig. I do remember the the two bad incidents mention by Kyle in earlier comments. I was actually the NCO that volunteered for the detail clean up for the Basement murder ( sad and sorrow feeling we had) and remembered the Armor who took his life in Arms room. I was nearly a resident there ...been there so long. I also spent a tour in Mainz - 81-82 Black Lions 228 Infantry before I changed to Sig MOS. My best yrs indeed for that General area. Spent some time at Vilseck and Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels with CTC Training Center. I have tons of Germany memories and glad to contribute my part not forgotten. Some would know me as... Sal... for part of my last name. ...Tac Sat Operations
Tommie DeZerne' Stationed there from 83 til 85. Love the place and the people i worked with in C company, 17th Signal. The people were truly my family.
Whoever can help with history of Camp Eschborn, please add your memories of the place as it used to be in the 70's through 90's.
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Editor's corner
Oct 17, 2015
Dear Readers,
Lots of things happening around these days... Some of the former housing areas are now converted to new role.
I promise to come back soon with a couple of photos I took since my last updates and I hope those will be a nice surprise to all of you...
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct, 4, 2014
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And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct 28, 2014
Dear Readers,
October of this year was an amazing month. Lots of events organized in Heidelberg celebrating US Army presence in town.
Soon to come an extensive update with pictures from Army Airfield, Patton Barracks, Army Hospital, Rod & Gun Club, Golf Range and many more.
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct, 4, 2014
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Yes, it's been quite a long time since you haven't seen any updates on my site, but I promise you there will be news coming soon. Thank you for your patience !
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Jul, 8, 2011
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Jun, 5, 2011
Dear Readers,
I would first like to thank all of you for sharing your opinion on posts in this blog. Those help me understanding better what is interesting for you.
I also opened a new poll, which I invite you to vote !
In the last couple of months I tried to visit new places (Bad Kreuznach, Wuerzburg, Dexheim) and I hope the photos I published brought you some nice memories.
I still did not give up the plan to take a tour of deactivated installations in Stuttgart area, but I'm waiting for your suggestions.
Given that youtube became extremely polluted with garbage not related to advertised keywords, I decided to remove the section from the blog. I am searching an alternative way to broadcast to you relevant videos.
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Feb, 10, 2011
Dear Readers,
First note to you in 2011 - and I will have to admit I didn't realize it's been so long since the last one.
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I am still planning to visit to Stuttgart area. Hopefully soon. Any suggestions are more than welcome !
I wish all of you to be able to visit Germany in the near future and - for those of you who will not be able to make it - I will try to continue sending back a small part of it through my pictures.
I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to hearing back from you soon !
What new locations would you like to see on "Forgotten Memories" (de-activated locations only) ? - Poll closing Jul, 15, 2011
Nice site. I find myself visiting Downs Barracks in Fulda about once every two years. It was fairly static for about 10 years after U.S. forces left in 1994, but has recently changed a lot on the west end. Cheers, BW.
Oh, the forgotten memories of this place. I was a soldier with the 32nd Signal Battalion at McNair Kaserne during the height of the cold-war in the early '80s. Oh, if those walls could speak. . . I am happy to see that the Germans have restored this very beautiful building. I wonder if there is any truth to the legend of "secret tunnels" below McNair?
Brian K.
Deadwood, SD
Was Stationed at McNair Nov.68 to March 70 32nd Signal Battalion. Great memories from there,left behind some good friends, can`t believe it`s been 40 years !!! Would love to chat if anyone remembers me. Don Whittington
I was stationed at McNair Kaserne from June 1965 to January 1967 - with the 32nd Sigal Btln. Most of us were drafted and we just wanted to do our duty and avoid Vietnam. Yes, Brian, there were tunnels below the Kaserne because some of us went down there and went as far into one tunnel as we dared! BC
I was stationed in Germany and at McNair Kaserne from January 1959 to March 1961 with Co. C. 299th Engineer Battalion (C). I visited Germany and McNair Kaserne in 2004I walked throughout the complex. Quite a change..it is now apartments. It was a great place to be stationed. I enjoyed my days in the army and my tour of duty in Germany. Bill Sobolewski, Camas, Washington
Does anybody knew my father PFC Kirk McDowell who was stationed at McNair
end of the 60´s to january 71 (Company D, 32nd Signal Battalion)?
Or Barry Ogjanovic (same Kaserne, same time)?
i was a solder there from jan 77 till july 79 in delta company mike mcfadden but every body called me mac.i would love to see that place just one more time man.
I was stationed at mcnair kaserne from dec 76 to july 79, i had some good times there and maid alot of real friends there.i would love to visit that place one more time.i had two friends moses and david that i wish i could fined, signed michael mcfadden aka mac.
I was stationed at McNair from 1989 to 1991. (Pretty much the last of the last Army people in it) It was being restored at that time, boy did it need it. The building was full of rats and the showers were a mess. We all heard the storis of the tunnels under the building, we never did see them because they were closed off. I will not forget this place, but I wouldn't say the memory was all fond. I wonder if they killed all the rats? LOL
I was stationed at mcnair 1983-84. It fucking sucked shit. The worst year and a half of my life. I hate fucking rads to this day. Christine Tabellion
OMG. It appears the moderator doesn't like what I have to say. No, i didn't like my time at mcnair. yes, i hated it with a passion -- still can't get it out of my head. Worst year and a half of my life. Stationed from 1983-84. Christine Tabellion
I was at McNair Nov. '83 to Apr. '85., 32nd Sig with most of that time at outpost Taufstein/Fulda supporting the Tankers there at Downs. We were the direct V CORP support for the 11th ACR shot to Abrams Complex. It was the time of my life I will hopefully never forget. I'm sorry Anonymous didn't have a good time.
I was stationed at McNair from Jan 75 until Aug 77 with the 201st Sig Co. I had a blast and would not trade the memories for anything. I miss the people that I met and cherish the friendships that I had.
Stephen M. Cushing
I was stationed at McNair from 77-82. best time of my life. Met some wonderful friends who I still contact and hang out with today. Plantation, Topper Club, Sachsenhausen. Those were the dazes!!!!
Was there for an 18-month cuppa joe, Jan 74- July '75, before moving to Darmstadt. Liked the proximity to Frankfurt (and beyond); felt sorry for the first couple wave of WACs stationed there; a couple of suicides, several more attempts and rapes like no one's business.
A Co HQ platoon
p.s. - the tunnels under McNair are very real.
I was stationed in the 32nd Signal Battalion at McNair Kaserne. I can't believe I found this site. I was stationed there from 1980-83. Loved it and had the best time. Went to see Red Fox at the Topper Club and had many good times at the Sachenhausen and the Plantation and the Trinkhall!!Thats where I met my Baltimore Connection, Shorty Jones and Steel Will!
Private Irvin
Ah yes some brilliant times where had, others not so much..(aka don't drop acid on guard duty the night everyone decides to go crazy and heart broken German girls drive their car into walls). All in all very fond memories indeed of good people, good food (no I'm not referring to "Ulie's), entirely too much drinking but such are the hazards of youth.
Eric Stauffer 89-91
Yes, it's true, in the basement of one of the dining facilities,it was blocked off.lots of stories about one.
I was with the 533rd MI BN at Michael Barracks across the street, from 89-91. Great memories great people.
Stationed at McNair Kaserne 90-92 was one of the last to leave they moved and left 4 of us there for like 3 months alone. We were able to open the door under mess and the tunnels were flooded which explains why it smelled they way it did.
Anyone remember a kevin saddler ? been trying to get in touch for years
I was with HHC 32nd Sig BT. from 1984 to 1986.
I worked for BMO as a fuel handler.
HHC 32nd Sig BT.
I was stationed at mcnair kerserne FM 1980 to 1981 I loved being in Germany. The top hat club the em. Club electric city at mcnair and the plantation club.the Germans were great I miss my old girlfriend elleanora Costa she was solo fine that German Frau was something. I miss myriad dogged FM my unit 32nd rondey gee Gilbert, Mac Bennett,Ivan joined,mcnair himself David Earl.but I didn't like my unit at all a bunch of kiss asses blame anyone but theirself.sorry Co and Firstseargeant. The worst unit I ever served in. But loved being their.
I was a member of the 32nd Sig. Bn at McNair from 1970 to 1973. I was working on a new telephone communications system. Thankfuly the buildins look much nicer then when I was there.
I was Detached to 22nd Signal BDE from 1986-1992 as part of the 699th Maintenenace Company, Hanau as part of Detachment II, then subsequently Det I. By far the best time, (26 years) that I served in the Army!
S. Stout
At 18, I was stationed at McNair 83-85 with 17th Signal Bn. I was on the unit softball team, ran track for Frankfurt and was a member of the first Nijmegen team. I loved my time there and had so much fun. I served there again 88-92 with 32nd Signal Bn in HHC. Another fun time. I lived in the clubs on the weekends. The PC, the NCO club, The Topper, Wiesbaden, Hanau & the German clubs. They had the best house music. Loved to window shop at Mainz Kastel for electronics. I will never forget those days and the friends I made. Teresa Smith-Sneed.
HI, was any one stationed at mc nair kaserne co B from 75 to 77. did you know chris martin or stanley or ranger. monty, athem the football jock? e-mail me at sixto 0419@gmail.com p.s we used to hang out at karls.
I was stationed at McNair from 1974-1977. Does anyone remember the accident in the motor pool where the kid was killed in an incident with a 2 1/2 ton truck.
If so, please contact me.
Thanks and Blessings,
Richard Matthews.
HI, my name is Kyle Blann, I was in the 32nd sig from July, 1987 - July 1989. Does any one out there remember the unit armor who killed himself down in the arms room. If so can you send me a message. Also when the female cook was murdered in the basement of the dining facility by another cook. in 87 please contact me if you remember either or both.
Can any one out there remember two incidents that happened while I was stationed in the 32nd sig. I was there from July 1987-July of 89. the first was like days after I arrived, a female cook was murdered by one of her fellow cooks in the basement of the dining facility. The second was the unit armor committed suicide in the arms room. If so please contact me. My name is Kyle Blann
I was stationed at Drake-Edwards Kaserne, 3AD, 503rd AG Admin Co, 1974-76. Played with the soul band, Sound Trek, at the Topper Club, Plantation Club, many of the surrounding bases, etc., you name it, we played there. You can hear 3 sets from the TOpper Club from 1976 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4YV8RwyuPU
Also, here's a good map of Frankfurt showing a lot of kasernes, PX, etc. at http://www.3ad.com/pio/bulletin.bd/frankfurt.landcarte.htm
SP4 Dave Edwards, Denver
kyle I was there when the murder occurred. I arrived in Germany the same time as that nut. freaked me out for sure
john donnell
Frankfurt Germany 80 87 hit me on fb Ronald butler Oklahoma city
I was with Delta Co 32nd Signal from Jan 1971 to May 1973...
I was stationed at McNair from Oct 1974-May 1976.
I was staionedat McNair, hit by a car Sept 19, 1987 was only there a few weeks
The stories about the tunnels are accurate, unfortunately the truth about the dining facility is both sad and tragic. A cook was murdered in the facility and her body dragged into one of the basement storage areas where the tunnels were blocked off but still visible. I wish I could remember her name, she was a PFC in HHC Company.
I'm looking for an individual by the name of Christopher Smith who was station at Kaserne in 1991. He's from Chicago, IL. If anyone knows him please tell him to contact me at klderamus@gmail.com
John W. Tobin. Sp. 4.
McNair. 32nd. Sig. Bn. TAC TEAM. 5 July 66 - 4 Jan 68.
Pleiku, Viet Nam, 5(?) Feb 68 - 31 May 69.
This place sure looks different.
I was regular Co. B for a couple of months, then went to TAC Team. We went to the field more often than the rest of the Bn, but we were a pretty tight group. It was pretty good times.
Sgt. Goldstein was our Plt. Sgt.
Col. Dale Hoagland was Bn. Commander. Col Hoagland was a great guy. We got along pretty well. We were both from Seattle.
There is a good history of Camp Eschborn on the Facebook page for the 317th Engineer Battalion. Look in the 'files' section. The 317th was also stationed on McNair, '53 to '63 with the 299th Engr Bn. They moved to Eschborn in 1964. An earlier history of 'The French Kaserne' is at the Axis History Forum, Hoechst Kaserne. Built for French occupation forces about 1920.
I was stationed at McNair 1982-1984
Larry Pleasants
I was also there in 1971-1972 with the 18th S&S Company.
Kevin Williams. I was stationed at McNair from 83-85. HHC, 22d Sig Brigade. Hoechst, GE.
I was at McNair Kaserne 81 to 83. Everyone called me KB. Does anyone during that time remember Danny Mount and what happened to him on the autobahn.
Great time of my military career from I went to Johnson island (bad very bad) to Maryland @DC aka Romero Mack
I was station there from 76-79 many memories I remember you McFadden most of my troops were females A company I also were the DJ at the EM club in the area aka Romeo Mack
Kyle Blann, I was on duty in the EAC emergency action center when the unit armorer killed himself. I cant remember his name, but i remember it was because of his reaction to a girl back home in the world breaking up with him. So many memories of that place. I was there from 88 to 91.
HHC 32nd Sig BT
1985-1986 Whats up man? This is Terrance Winters. Your old roomate
I was stationed there from 72-75 loved every minute of it and miss all the great times with all the friends I made while there
Mike Fedor-- HHC 32nd Sig 75-78 What great times, just wish I could remember half of it- partied thru most of it.
I was station on Mc Nair Kaserne, 32 Sig Bn, D Company and HHC, I,m from PR, I hace great time at basic training and AIT at the US, bu to muchas ratial problema there. After all I hace great time. I love Germany I will love to go back. I was station at Mainz 1st Support Bn, 8th Infantry Dv, 1985-1987.
Larry Benjamin 73-77 HHC, Bn.Electronic Maint. I remember you.
I was stationed at McNair 1983-1984. Had a great time. Lots of good food and drink in Frankfurt. B Co 32nd Sig Bn. Stayed on the 3rd floor right next to the CQ desk. I was a Private so the barracks was my home.
Jeff Collins
I was stationed at McNair 1983-1984. Had a great time. Lots of good food and drink in Frankfurt. B Co 32nd Sig Bn. Stayed on the 3rd floor right next to the CQ desk. I was a Private so the barracks was my home.
Jeff Collins
I was stationed at McNair 1983-1984. Had a great time. Lots of good food and drink in Frankfurt. B Co 32nd Sig Bn. Stayed on the 3rd floor right next to the CQ desk. I was a Private so the barracks was my home.
Jeff Collins
I remember Danny Mount. He used to come into the photo shop in the rec center. I think it was a motorbike accident
I was stationed at mcnair assigned to Comdex. Also worked at the n c o club. I was a waitress and worked with Benito(bartender) and John (waiter). Loved Germany and have a lot of fond memories.i will be going back. Is there anyone reading this that worked for COMSEC 1979-1981 I was the p.l.l. clerk
Thanks. Mac (female) l.a. mcallister
I was stationed at McNair Lythia Gore HHC,S-4. Had 2 tour’s 17th Sig ( 1979- 1981) then 32nd ((1984-1988) had my mom over in Germany with me and my son. I enjoyed my tour’s travel when possible. Got a flyer from some one T.Taylor. Wants to have some kind of McNair meet up in June 2020, have anyone received this in the mail???
My dad was stationed at McNair 1970-71. 1st Sgt Sol Prottas 32nd Signal BN. I loved Germany!
Was with the 69th Engr Co (Topo Corps) from '68 to '69...at Michaels Barracks ...the company was relocated from Gibbs Kaserne. shortly after I REFRAD the unit deactivated. Our dispensary, snack bar, everything was at McNair. Lots of craziness going on at the 32 Signal back in the day. Spent a lot of time at the Plantation Club next to the 97th General Hospital...they had lighted panels in the dance floor! Short trip by strassenbahn into Frankfurt. The Hoechst castle on the Main River was impressive! Great times!
Robert Stock Sp5
I was at 17th sig, 90to 91. Was NCOIC of final clean out rooms after Gulf War. Troops were already gone to Kitzigen. Went to G6, Abrams Complex after that.
I was stationed at McNair from 86-92, started at B Co 32nd Sig then assigned to A Co 17th Sig. I do remember the the two bad incidents mention by Kyle in earlier comments. I was actually the NCO that volunteered for the detail clean up for the Basement murder ( sad and sorrow feeling we had) and remembered the Armor who took his life in Arms room. I was nearly a resident there ...been there so long. I also spent a tour in Mainz - 81-82 Black Lions 228 Infantry before I changed to Sig MOS. My best yrs indeed for that General area. Spent some time at Vilseck and Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels with CTC Training Center. I have tons of Germany memories and glad to contribute my part not forgotten. Some would know me as... Sal... for part of my last name. ...Tac Sat Operations
I was there from Oct 77 to Oct 79. I was a cable dog assigned to the cable and wire platoon.
My name is McLaughlin Cordell Bennett I was stationed there from 1979 to 1981 beautiful beautiful memories in Germany
Tommie DeZerne'
Stationed there from 83 til 85. Love the place and the people i worked with in C company, 17th Signal. The people were truly my family.
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