great pictures, i also took some pix at the 60th anniversary in wiesbaden, have some from babenhausen and many from hahn AB. contact me if u want. cheers
Myself and my two sisters grew up in Edwards Housing in 1958-1960 before returning to the States. We also lived in Wildflecken before that time frame. Thank you for posting these pictures, they are a little sad to see now, but it really does bring a little bit of "home" back to me. My heart is always in Germany. Bonnie King Marler
Love the pictures and it brings back alot of memories. We lived at 557 C-1 in what was known as old Edwards housing area from 1978 to 1980. I went to Atterberry (spelling) elementary school 4th - 6th grade. Loved Germany and still miss it today. Thank you for the site and everyones comments. Take care, Brad
Thank you very much for the great posts. I grew up in what was then called New Edwards from 1963 to 1966. Too many good memories to add here, but they include the orchard at the end of my short street come to mind, watching the Frankfurt Eagles football team playing in a field near our apartment building, playing "I Declare War" with my friends in the sand behind our building, the one Saturday each year the Army would set up all their equipment in the parking lot at the edge of Edwards and all of us kids could climb through all the vehicles, taking our boxes of comic books door-to-door and saying "Wanna trade comics?" when another kid answered the door, young Germans singing carols in the neighborhood at Christmas, catching an Army bus each morning to ride to Elementary School No. 2 in Attebury. Sorry to go on and on. It was a great childhood.
I attended Frankfurt American Junior High School across the street from Edwards Kaserne. 1967-68 and 1968-69 school years. Lived in HICOG (Carl Schurz Siedlung). My dad was employed by the FAA and we were in Frankfurt for two years.
We also lived in "Old Edwards" 1972-74. Went Elementary School #2 2nd-4th grade. I had forgotten all about the comic trading. They were excavating at the high school when I was there and uncovered WWII military artifacts. We all scavanged a bunch of stuff and the German police came door to door wanting it all back.
Thanks for the pictures! My dad was station in Frankfurt from 82-94! We lived here for many years 556 A4 (I can't believe I remember my address). I know that field very well, in front of the DYA! Many cookouts, football games, eater egg hunts! I so miss it!
Wow this is so good to see those pictures! I lived in New Edwards from 80-84? My memory is not so good I was only 8 when we left. But I do remember the big black top and deadmans cliff by the soccer field, and the rail road tracks by the water over there...I also remember being friends with Jennifer, Regina, and Richard "they were family that lived right by the black top like me and my brother Bob...anyways good memories!
Awesome, my dad was also stationed there from 1970 – 1974. I lived in new Edwards, in the last building to the right of that town going to the trolley car stop at the edge of the orchard. I had a gold Honda 50 and my second oldest brother had a red one. Thanx for the pictures!!!
I lived in Frankfurt as a military spouse during Desert Storm in '91. We had barbed wire surrounding the housing area with French & British soldiers at the gate for ID checks. Scary times, yet still a beautiful city.
Brings back incredible memories. I lived in the new housing from 1964 to 1968. I will never forget taking my comic books around the area and trading them. Dave F mentioned the orchard. It was at the end of my building (2123 A-2). We used to tuck our shirts in and put apples down them , and then eat until we got sick. A bunch of us used to build 'forts' from Army pup tents. Spent many summer months in the forts. Fantastic childhood. I wouldn't trade it for anything
Nice pictures !!! I did get to visit FULDA in 2004...kinda looked the same as it did in 72-74, except no USARMY around... Germany will always be a fond memory for me. Thanks for the pictures
Great Photos!! My father was stationed in Frankfurt from 70-74. I went to Elm. School #2 for 4th to 6th grade. We lived in the first building on the right as you entered New Edwards.
Entering New Edwards, we were in the 4th building on the right. 1968-1970 4th and 5th grades. Best years of my childhood - trading comic books, AYSO, the Easter egg hunts and summer BBQ's behind our building, marbles, Saturday 25 cent movies, roller skating, uh...borrowing apples from the orchards, scouts, and girlfriends Carol Davis, Sheryl Simpson, and Cheryl Miller!
Also lived in HICOG 68-70. My dad was an Army Chaplain stationed in Frankfurt. Went to FAJHS 68-69 & 69-70. My older sister was the Editor of the 69-70 yearbook. Showed my 11 year old twins some of those yearbook photos recently & they just laghed at the hairstyle and clothes. thanks for these pictures. great times.
Thanks for the pictures and posting. My mother passed and I have been going over many photos etc. Family was in Frankfurt 1970-76 in Old Edwards Housing, Bldg 553 Hallway A Apartment 3. Great memories as a kid. Went to Atterberry Spell Elementary #2. Interesting...I returned alone as a working adult for US Government in 1990 and stayed through 2003. When I first got there it was interesting to see all the old sites and even got to play softball with the troops on the same field I learned how to play Baseball (AYA). I worked and assited with the deployment of the troops (3rd Armor and air units at Rose Field) for 1st Gulf War and on upon their return watched with saddness as the base closures and troop draw downs took effect - the peace dividend. These pics remind me of very fond memories....thank you.
My dad was stationed in Frankfurt as well. We lived in New Edwards housing area at 2124 apt A-2. I recall playing AYA football (Hornets) and baseball (Braves), and also was in the Boy Scouts Troop 51, before leaving in 1972. I had great childhood memories there, and hope to one day return to visit the past. Thanks for the great pictures! Ken Phoenix
I lived in New Edwards from 1966 to 1970, one building away from the blacktop, just as you enter the apartment compex. Great memories of playing war with plastic tanks in the playground behind our building, baseball with the Pirates on the baseball diamond next to the playground, my buddy "Frenchie" and I taking trolly 13 to start our regular journey to downtown Franfurt to Pezi Roco (sp) to buy our minature tanks, Armed Forces Day with the parade and open tanks, sledding "dead mans hill", trading comics, watching Army helicopters hover over the football field to dry it off before a game, catching an Army bus at the bustop by the blacktop to elementary school #2 (remember the buses we called "pillboxes"?), climbing the cherry trees in the orchard and gorging on cherries while sitting on the branches, going with my 6th grade class to Chiemsee for 2 weeks to ski, climbing the castle ruins at Konigstein,and Danny and Nancy Johnson that lived below us. What a great time in my life. Great memories.
What a loving site to discover. I am enjoying the many comments. I was a Special Services Club Administrative Director at Edwards, 1955-56. My previous Club was Francois, Hanau, 1954. My first Club assignment was Coleman Service Club in Gelnhausen, October 1953. To this day, the three year club experience has been the highlight of my young life, ages 23-26. I am now 86 years old, married 57 years to the Lt. I met in Bamberg at Warner Kaserne. We have 3 adult children and seven grandchildren. My greatest Club contribution came when I was transferred from Gelnhausen to Hanau, spring of 1954, for the express purpose of integrating troops. President Harry Truman issued Executive Order 9981 in the year 1948. That command initiated the end of troop segregation. The action was slow to proceed. But by the end 1954,Francois' Medical Corp. and Transportation Company melded beautifully. Not one problem ever. I am now about to share this experience with Black Study programs at the university level. My Germany days have been a deep and precious memory. Meeting and serving the enormous number of American enlisted men was my honor and joy. I wish you and your families beautiful, productive, happy lives. Dorothy Rozzi Belknap California
lived Frankfurt Germany mid 1950s parental duty station 97th General Hospital Gibbs Kaserne Dependent Housing area. North Gate of Gibbs Kaserne Motor Pool had armed guards M-14 rifles with 20 cartridge magazines posted at the gate usually from 1700 hours through the night until duty hours next duty day...guards would be near the gate during day time...entering the Gibbs Kaserne to use the gym, the PX or the Library ( very good library with classical music at all times ) would require presentation of the AGO card for ID as Sponsored Dependent of US Military personnel or permitted civilians...AGO card " must carry " rules at all times...passing through Gibbs Kaserne to catch the strassenbahn ( street electrically powered trolley car ) or going to movie or gym in Betts area, or going to the 97th General Hospital ( had a very good library ) would have a walk down the main street within Gibbs Kaserne...discovered Tarzan, John Carter of Mars, science fiction, Max Brand western paperbacks, World War II commando stories, 1930s and 1940s paperback detective books ...preferred Mickey Spillane and Mike Hammer 6 ft 2 " 204 pounds, former Marine, shoulder holster of supple oiled leather carried Government model .45 acp pistol...Pat Chambers, Police Detective and friend of Mike Hammer, Mike and Pat each loved the same woman...Mike's female partner...have not forgotten...attended American Junior High School and American High School...Black Knight's basketball team ( great! ) turn out for FAHS football, basketball, riding strassenbahn to be free of family, school, MP rules...ride and see..prostitutes, mail room workers, beer delivery men, honey wagons,fights over horse manure for fertilizer, chapped legs of winter bicycle riders, red faced babies as they drank their beer laced milk bottles...soldiers marching or riding in M35 multifuel engine 5 ton trucks Called Deuce and a half as 2.5tons over all terrains payload...chipping bricks free of masonry to reuse the bricks, bullet holes repaired or not in buildings, burned Opera house....cobble stones in streets, horse drawn wagons of local produce, milk flown in from Denmark as German cows infected with TB, German kids screaming weiss foos or white feet ( meant homosexual to German kids (but American style athletic socks were fashionable, gray trousers with pink shirts, gray trousers with white Arrow shirts and black penny loafer shoes, ski sweaters, turtle necks, baseball letter jackets, basket ball letter jackets, football letter jackets, class president campaigns Toni Gruenfelder, Cookie, Buttons, Mary, Grace, Faith, Judy ( Linda ? ) Lemons, Pat Corcoran, Herr Ridegger Dutch man teaching English, german blackmarket, Dorothy Collins, Jean and Edie at Oberusel swimming pool...first woman in two piece swimsuit... ration coupons, first roast beef sandwich with mayo, Polio shots, Pat Boone and white buck shoes ( buckskin shoes )white sports coat and pink carnation....dark blue suit from SEARS catalogue and dancing with Joan...pimples, acne and horrible times...Mari and crushed...Rhine Main AIr Force Airfield and baseball...disassemble and re assemble M1911 not M1911A1in Gibbs gym as three soldier's poked fun at clumsy gus kid but did show me how to do it !
Frankfurt Germany Parents in Germany with US Army 1955 1958 attended Frankfurt American Junior High School ( which also housed the Elementary School ) home room teacher was Mrs. Junk, German language teacher was Herr Riddiger, a Dutchman, Toni Gruenfelder was running for class president, Anita Foster, Joan Sawicki, Karen Hester...Frankfurt American High School, Jeff drunk in the teen club, Flash trying to be the school tough guy... Gibbs Kaserne Dependent Housing, Betts Housing area for Church and movies and gymnasium, Atterberry Housing area for baby sitting ...Friedberger Warte ? Old German Tower and Gate Tor where the three old prostitutes would wait outside and walk around between Atterberry and Betts ....97th General Hospital for polio shots, dentists, broken fingers, broken arm, library of the 97th was very good...Escheimer Landstrasse and Marbach Weg for strassenbahn to WAC Circle PX deli shopping ...Hauptbahnhof, bombedout Operahaus, honey wagon, beer wagons, bullet holes in buildings I G Farben wooden boxex people mover not elevators
Whoever can help with history of Camp Eschborn, please add your memories of the place as it used to be in the 70's through 90's.
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I would kindly ask each of you to think twice before including your e-mail address in the comments you post.
In case you do that, I take it as an acknowledgement that you understand your e-mail address could be picked-up by spam generating robots and used for uncontrolled purposes.
Unfortunately, the volume of messages including e-mail address became too high for me to request a personal acknowledgement for each and every of them.
Starting March, 25th 2014, I will assume you understand the risks and I will be publishing every valid message as submitted for review by the person posting it.
I hope you understand this change in the "policy" of this site.
Thank you for your understanding and looking forward to see you around !
Editor's corner
Oct 17, 2015
Dear Readers,
Lots of things happening around these days... Some of the former housing areas are now converted to new role.
I promise to come back soon with a couple of photos I took since my last updates and I hope those will be a nice surprise to all of you...
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct, 4, 2014
Dear Readers,
Yes, it's been quite a long time since you haven't seen any updates on my site, but I promise you there will be news coming soon. Thank you for your patience !
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct 28, 2014
Dear Readers,
October of this year was an amazing month. Lots of events organized in Heidelberg celebrating US Army presence in town.
Soon to come an extensive update with pictures from Army Airfield, Patton Barracks, Army Hospital, Rod & Gun Club, Golf Range and many more.
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct, 4, 2014
Dear Readers,
Yes, it's been quite a long time since you haven't seen any updates on my site, but I promise you there will be news coming soon. Thank you for your patience !
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Jul, 8, 2011
Dear Readers,
I would first like to thank all of you for sharing your opinion on posts in this blog. The almost 90 votes on my latest poll show me that this means something for you - and I really appreciate that ! I'm not what's called 'professional blogger'... I'm just doing it for you and whoever comes here over and over again, it means to me it makes sense. I keep being concerned about the spam risks associated with (some of) your messages, therefore I kindly ask you to avoid including your e-mail addresses in your posts. I'm against changing rules mid-game, so I will not do it without your full and total support. Every time I receive a comment including an e-mail address, I will keep sending a confirmation mail to that e-mail address, explaining the risks you are exposing to and asking for your explicit acknowledgment before publishing it.
As many of those mails (some of which may contain really interesting info for the other of you reading this blog) remain unanswered (that means to me that most of you learned the rule on how to keep spam away), please let me know if you would mind if I might start posting some of the posts while still "anonymizing" the e-mail address (i.e. keeping username but hiding domain info - or whatever option you think would be acceptable...).
I would really appreciate your feed-back before any changes here...
Thank you !
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Jun, 5, 2011
Dear Readers,
I would first like to thank all of you for sharing your opinion on posts in this blog. Those help me understanding better what is interesting for you.
I also opened a new poll, which I invite you to vote !
In the last couple of months I tried to visit new places (Bad Kreuznach, Wuerzburg, Dexheim) and I hope the photos I published brought you some nice memories.
I still did not give up the plan to take a tour of deactivated installations in Stuttgart area, but I'm waiting for your suggestions.
Given that youtube became extremely polluted with garbage not related to advertised keywords, I decided to remove the section from the blog. I am searching an alternative way to broadcast to you relevant videos.
I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Feb, 10, 2011
Dear Readers,
First note to you in 2011 - and I will have to admit I didn't realize it's been so long since the last one.
As always, I appreciate all your comments - they make me feel there is a sense in what I am trying to put together.
As a side note, I would advise all of you to think twice before including your e-mail addresses in the comments you submit. I will continue constantly to ask you to specifically confirm if you indeed want to have the e-mail address published before doing so, as the spam generators are just waiting for this opportunity.
I am still planning to visit to Stuttgart area. Hopefully soon. Any suggestions are more than welcome !
I wish all of you to be able to visit Germany in the near future and - for those of you who will not be able to make it - I will try to continue sending back a small part of it through my pictures.
I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to hearing back from you soon !
What new locations would you like to see on "Forgotten Memories" (de-activated locations only) ? - Poll closing Jul, 15, 2011
great pictures!
can i help you with more fotos?
i have some from hahn AB and Babenhausen.
great pictures,
i also took some pix at the 60th anniversary in wiesbaden, have some from babenhausen and many from hahn AB.
contact me if u want.
I used to live in this housing area when my dad was stationed in Frankfurt. Thank you for posting them!
Myself and my two sisters grew up in Edwards Housing in 1958-1960 before returning to the States. We also lived in Wildflecken before that time frame. Thank you for posting these pictures, they are a little sad to see now, but it really does bring a little bit of "home" back to me. My heart is always in Germany. Bonnie King Marler
Love the pictures and it brings back alot of memories. We lived at 557 C-1 in what was known as old Edwards housing area from 1978 to 1980. I went to Atterberry (spelling) elementary school 4th - 6th grade. Loved Germany and still miss it today. Thank you for the site and everyones comments.
Take care, Brad
Thank you very much for the great posts. I grew up in what was then called New Edwards from 1963 to 1966. Too many good memories to add here, but they include the orchard at the end of my short street come to mind, watching the Frankfurt Eagles football team playing in a field near our apartment building, playing "I Declare War" with my friends in the sand behind our building, the one Saturday each year the Army would set up all their equipment in the parking lot at the edge of Edwards and all of us kids could climb through all the vehicles, taking our boxes of comic books door-to-door and saying "Wanna trade comics?" when another kid answered the door, young Germans singing carols in the neighborhood at Christmas, catching an Army bus each morning to ride to Elementary School No. 2 in Attebury. Sorry to go on and on. It was a great childhood.
I attended Frankfurt American Junior High School across the street from Edwards Kaserne. 1967-68 and 1968-69 school years. Lived in HICOG (Carl Schurz Siedlung). My dad was employed by the FAA and we were in Frankfurt for two years.
We also lived in "Old Edwards" 1972-74. Went Elementary School #2 2nd-4th grade. I had forgotten all about the comic trading. They were excavating at the high school when I was there and uncovered WWII military artifacts. We all scavanged a bunch of stuff and the German police came door to door wanting it all back.
Thanks for the pictures! My dad was station in Frankfurt from 82-94! We lived here for many years 556 A4 (I can't believe I remember my address). I know that field very well, in front of the DYA! Many cookouts, football games, eater egg hunts! I so miss it!
Wow this is so good to see those pictures! I lived in New Edwards from 80-84? My memory is not so good I was only 8 when we left. But I do remember the big black top and deadmans cliff by the soccer field, and the rail road tracks by the water over there...I also remember being friends with Jennifer, Regina, and Richard "they were family that lived right by the black top like me and my brother Bob...anyways good memories!
Awesome, my dad was also stationed there from 1970 – 1974. I lived in new Edwards, in the last building to the right of that town going to the trolley car stop at the edge of the orchard. I had a gold Honda 50 and my second oldest brother had a red one. Thanx for the pictures!!!
I lived in Frankfurt as a military spouse during Desert Storm in '91. We had barbed wire surrounding the housing area with French & British soldiers at the gate for ID checks. Scary times, yet still a beautiful city.
Brings back incredible memories. I lived in the new housing from 1964 to 1968. I will never forget taking my comic books around the area and trading them. Dave F mentioned the orchard. It was at the end of my building (2123 A-2). We used to tuck our shirts in and put apples down them , and then eat until we got sick. A bunch of us used to build 'forts' from Army pup tents. Spent many summer months in the forts. Fantastic childhood. I wouldn't trade it for anything
Nice pictures !!! I did get to visit FULDA in 2004...kinda looked the same as it did in 72-74, except no USARMY around...
Germany will always be a fond memory for me.
Thanks for the pictures
Great Photos!! My father was stationed in Frankfurt from 70-74. I went to Elm. School #2 for 4th to 6th grade. We lived in the first building on the right as you entered New Edwards.
Entering New Edwards, we were in the 4th building on the right. 1968-1970 4th and 5th grades. Best years of my childhood - trading comic books, AYSO, the Easter egg hunts and summer BBQ's behind our building, marbles, Saturday 25 cent movies, roller skating, uh...borrowing apples from the orchards, scouts, and girlfriends Carol Davis, Sheryl Simpson, and Cheryl Miller!
Also lived in HICOG 68-70. My dad was an Army Chaplain stationed in Frankfurt. Went to FAJHS 68-69 & 69-70. My older sister was the Editor of the 69-70 yearbook. Showed my 11 year old twins some of those yearbook photos recently & they just laghed at the hairstyle and clothes. thanks for these pictures. great times.
I lived in Edwards from 86-91 come join the FB group
Thanks for the pictures and posting. My mother passed and I have been going over many photos etc. Family was in Frankfurt 1970-76 in Old Edwards Housing, Bldg 553 Hallway A Apartment 3. Great memories as a kid. Went to Atterberry Spell Elementary #2. Interesting...I returned alone as a working adult for US Government in 1990 and stayed through 2003. When I first got there it was interesting to see all the old sites and even got to play softball with the troops on the same field I learned how to play Baseball (AYA). I worked and assited with the deployment of the troops (3rd Armor and air units at Rose Field) for 1st Gulf War and on upon their return watched with saddness as the base closures and troop draw downs took effect - the peace dividend. These pics remind me of very fond memories....thank you.
My dad was stationed in Frankfurt as well. We lived in New Edwards housing area at 2124 apt A-2. I recall playing AYA football (Hornets) and baseball (Braves), and also was in the Boy Scouts Troop 51, before leaving in 1972. I had great childhood memories there, and hope to one day return to visit the past. Thanks for the great pictures! Ken Phoenix
I lived in New Edwards from 1966 to 1970, one building away from the blacktop, just as you enter the apartment compex. Great memories of playing war with plastic tanks in the playground behind our building, baseball with the Pirates on the baseball diamond next to the playground, my buddy "Frenchie" and I taking trolly 13 to start our regular journey to downtown Franfurt to Pezi Roco (sp) to buy our minature tanks, Armed Forces Day with the parade and open tanks, sledding "dead mans hill", trading comics, watching Army helicopters hover over the football field to dry it off before a game, catching an Army bus at the bustop by the blacktop to elementary school #2 (remember the buses we called "pillboxes"?), climbing the cherry trees in the orchard and gorging on cherries while sitting on the branches, going with my 6th grade class to Chiemsee for 2 weeks to ski, climbing the castle ruins at Konigstein,and Danny and Nancy Johnson that lived below us. What a great time in my life. Great memories.
What a loving site to discover. I am enjoying the many comments.
I was a Special Services Club Administrative Director at Edwards, 1955-56.
My previous Club was Francois, Hanau, 1954. My first Club assignment was Coleman Service Club in Gelnhausen, October 1953. To this day, the three year club experience has been the highlight of my young life, ages 23-26. I am now 86 years old, married 57 years to the Lt. I met in Bamberg at Warner Kaserne. We have 3 adult children and seven grandchildren.
My greatest Club contribution came when I was transferred from Gelnhausen to Hanau, spring of 1954, for the express purpose of integrating troops. President Harry Truman issued Executive Order 9981 in the year 1948. That command initiated the end of troop segregation. The action was slow to proceed. But by the end 1954,Francois' Medical Corp. and Transportation Company melded beautifully. Not one problem ever. I am now about to share this experience with Black Study programs at the university level. My Germany days have been a deep and precious memory. Meeting and serving the enormous number of American enlisted men was my honor and joy. I wish you and your families beautiful, productive, happy lives.
Dorothy Rozzi Belknap
I lived right around the corner from the number 13 stress stop too from 73-76! Oh the good times we had there!
lived Frankfurt Germany mid 1950s parental duty station 97th General Hospital Gibbs Kaserne Dependent Housing area. North Gate of Gibbs Kaserne Motor Pool had armed guards M-14 rifles with 20 cartridge magazines posted at the gate usually from 1700 hours through the night until duty hours next duty day...guards would be near the gate during day time...entering the Gibbs Kaserne to use the gym, the PX or the Library ( very good library with classical music at all times ) would require presentation of the AGO card for ID as Sponsored Dependent of US Military personnel or permitted civilians...AGO card " must carry " rules at all times...passing through Gibbs Kaserne to catch the strassenbahn ( street electrically powered trolley car ) or going to movie or gym in Betts area, or going to the 97th General Hospital ( had a very good library ) would have a walk down the main street within Gibbs Kaserne...discovered Tarzan, John Carter of Mars, science fiction, Max Brand western paperbacks, World War II commando stories, 1930s and 1940s paperback detective books ...preferred Mickey Spillane and Mike Hammer 6 ft 2 " 204 pounds, former Marine, shoulder holster of supple oiled leather carried Government model .45 acp pistol...Pat Chambers, Police Detective and friend of Mike Hammer, Mike and Pat each loved the same woman...Mike's female partner...have not forgotten...attended American Junior High School and American High School...Black Knight's basketball team ( great! ) turn out for FAHS football, basketball, riding strassenbahn to be free of family, school, MP rules...ride and see..prostitutes, mail room workers, beer delivery men, honey wagons,fights over horse manure for fertilizer, chapped legs of winter bicycle riders, red faced babies as they drank their beer laced milk bottles...soldiers marching or riding in M35 multifuel engine 5 ton trucks Called Deuce and a half as 2.5tons over all terrains payload...chipping bricks free of masonry to reuse the bricks, bullet holes repaired or not in buildings, burned Opera house....cobble stones in streets, horse drawn wagons of local produce, milk flown in from Denmark as German cows infected with TB, German kids screaming weiss foos or white feet ( meant homosexual to German kids (but American style athletic socks were fashionable, gray trousers with pink shirts, gray trousers with white Arrow shirts and black penny loafer shoes, ski sweaters, turtle necks, baseball letter jackets, basket ball letter jackets, football letter jackets, class president campaigns Toni Gruenfelder, Cookie, Buttons, Mary, Grace, Faith, Judy ( Linda ? ) Lemons, Pat Corcoran, Herr Ridegger Dutch man teaching English, german blackmarket, Dorothy Collins, Jean and Edie at Oberusel swimming pool...first woman in two piece swimsuit... ration coupons, first roast beef sandwich with mayo, Polio shots, Pat Boone and white buck shoes ( buckskin shoes )white sports coat and pink carnation....dark blue suit from SEARS catalogue and dancing with Joan...pimples, acne and horrible times...Mari and crushed...Rhine Main AIr Force Airfield and baseball...disassemble and re assemble M1911 not M1911A1in Gibbs gym as three soldier's poked fun at clumsy gus kid but did show me how to do it !
Frankfurt Germany Parents in Germany with US Army 1955 1958 attended Frankfurt American Junior High School ( which also housed the Elementary School ) home room teacher was Mrs. Junk, German language teacher was Herr Riddiger, a Dutchman, Toni Gruenfelder was running for class president, Anita Foster, Joan Sawicki, Karen Hester...Frankfurt American High School, Jeff drunk in the teen club, Flash trying to be the school tough guy...
Gibbs Kaserne Dependent Housing, Betts Housing area for Church and movies and gymnasium, Atterberry Housing area for baby sitting ...Friedberger Warte ? Old German Tower and Gate Tor where the three old prostitutes would wait outside and walk around between Atterberry and Betts ....97th General Hospital for polio shots, dentists, broken fingers, broken arm, library of the 97th was very good...Escheimer Landstrasse and Marbach Weg for strassenbahn to WAC Circle PX deli shopping ...Hauptbahnhof, bombedout Operahaus, honey wagon, beer wagons, bullet holes in buildings I G Farben wooden boxex people mover not elevators
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