Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kitzingen - Larson Barracks

Kitzingen - Larson Barracks, Mar 2010

Kitzingen - Larson Barracks, Mar 2010

Kitzingen - Larson Barracks, Mar 2010

Kitzingen - Larson Barracks, Mar 2010

Kitzingen - Larson Barracks, Mar 2010

Kitzingen - Larson Barracks, Mar 2010


  1. That last picture is of the barracks I lived in for three years, 3/67 ADA. So sad to see it run down. It is still a fond memory and will be for the rest of my life.

  2. The second to last picture was my barracks and I lived there for 3 years while in 4/3ADA. Left there in 1996 many of my happiest memories were there as a young man. Sorry too see it end up like that. I hope we return there some day and put new life into it.

    1. I was D 4/3 ADA myself and left in 95. Great memories good and bad of this place that will never leave me.

    2. My ex and I were there till 95. I remember you Dumas

  3. helped build kindergarten or elementary school at marschal heights in 65 or 66 when with b-10-e.

  4. Was with B-10-E while building the elementary or kindergarten school in marschal Heights in 65/66

  5. I was in A-17 SIG BN from 1997-1998. I pulled all night duty in the little stone building by the iron gate that was a second entrance prior to Al Qaeda attacks on two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998. After that, that only entrance was the one that later had a covering and incoming multiple lanes. No Germans just American soldiers with no rounds except for the NCO (me). I still remember one LT screaming at me for the long back up of vehicles at lunch when I only had two soldiers with me at the time. Bin Laden really ruined my last five months in Germany with the guard duty when we had no guards before.

    1. I got to 17th signal in February 1998. I want to say I was assigned to alpha company as well. Pvt. Carreon here. Any ways....I remember that building too. I pulled duty in that same old building. I also remember raising and lowering the flag while on flag duty right outside that same building. I have great memories of this place. Non stop parties from the moment I found out I could drink at 18 years of age. So sad to hear it's gone. Would love to go visit again.

  6. I was there in '59-'60 when it was still called Flak Kaserne.
    1st MSL BN 41st ARTY (Honest John)
    A great time in my life as a 19yr old.
    I going on a river cruise that stop's in Kitzingen on 5-16-2015 and for me,that will be a great time too.
    55 year's have passed and I still remember most of my 18 month's there.
    I wish the Hillbilly Bar was still open so I could have a cold flip-top beer in rememberance of my many night's spent there.The Mark was 4-19 per dollar and for a 5 dollar bill you would get 21 Mark's. After eating,we could drink beer in the mess hall for 1 hour at a cost of 8 cent's per can. The EM Club charged 10 cent's for bottle's,which we preferred.
    I hope to find a worthy souvenir to place next to my Wurzberger 0.5L mug and Kitzinger Weissbier glass.
    That would be a great closing chapter for this old Soldier.

    1. I was not a Soldier as You were Sir, but came to Germany in 1969 with my Aunt, and have seen how things have changed so sad, go out and eat a schitzel, or buy a German music cd With beer hall music as souvenir,
      Best regards George Solend ( )

  7. I was stationed there back in 91-93. Great memories. Still looking for a good friend of mine by the name of Matthew G. Burgess. He married a local and I think stayed out there after his enlistment.

  8. I remeber going through the front gates for the time in 98. I was scared at first being in a foreign country. Best 2 years of my life. Meet n made some great people in germany

  9. Man I miss those barracks. Was stationed with D co. 17th Sig Bn, and lived in the first barracks inside the gate. Had a great time there after being re-assigned from Fulda (it too closed). It was a pretty town too, and so much to do nearby.

  10. Last picture was 3/67ADA helped move I there from Giebelstadt. HHB 3/67ADA Great Memories!!

  11. Thanks so much for the pictures, and yes, so sad to see everything so run down. I was there 1960 to 1964, Hq Company, 10th Engr.Bn, 3rd Inf Div, back when it was still Flak Kaserne. You are so right up there, we all shared many beers and stories of home at the Hillbilly Bar, as well as the Lopiloma and Florida Bar. One of them was in the basement, don't remember which tho. Would go there at night, drink good beer and when it was time to head to the barracks, bartender Mary, would call the pizza place and put my order in, then call a cab and it would pick me up, stop at the pizza place for my pizza and run me up the hill. Friday nights were always spent half way down the hill at the Schutzenhause where an older gentleman played the Zither. I would take my guitar there and we would play all night, tips were great and food was the best, and free. So many great memories of Kitzingen, thanks everyone for sharing.

  12. These barracks were named after my Uncle, Stanley L Larson.. my mother's brother. He was killed clearing a road of land mines in WWII. My mother was a child when her only brother made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Thanks to all of you who have served!

  13. I spent a part of my childhood there. My mother and father were both stationed there from 1986 to 1991. I always tell my husband of the little memories i shared from there. I will always keep those memories. sadly my dad has passed away so all I have now are the memories and stories he shared with me. I will also always remember the smell of the motorpool and all my uncles I had on base.

  14. It was called Flak Kaserne when I was stationed there. 1953 to 1955 Pontoon Bridge truck driver, Headquarters Co, 1st Combat Engineers, 1st Division (Bloody One). Can remember the very cold winters the Mine River frozen, it was a good experience. Regret thatI did not pick-up the language or do much traveling

  15. 1984-1985 Larson Barracks 981st MP Co. Great Memories For A 19yr Brooklyn Kid In A Foreign County.

  16. I was stationed there in 04-07. Its weird seeing what it is now and thinking of the times we used to have there. Thanks for the memories...
