Thank you so much for this blog. Lots of locations you feature give me flashbacks to the best (yet sometimes shittiest) times of my live. I miss hanging out "on post".
I was stationed in Babenhausen for awhile. I still live in the area and I just recently heard that somebody broke on onto the post and proceeded to strip the houses of all there utilities. It was bound to happen the city has done nothing with the property and have just let it fall into dis-repair.
I was not allowed to get into the base itself. All pictures are taken from the outside perimeter. I'm really sorry to hear about the unfortunate event. To best of my knowledge, the area is secured and no access is allowed. Hopefully, the damage was not extensive, as it would be a pity to have those really nice houses going into rubble. At the time I was there, I noticed some windows broken, but there was some careful repair performed. If - by any chance - you hear about an 'open days' event, please let me know, as I would really like to have an inside view of the surroundings !
I was stationed Babenhausen from 94-96 and thefts were common then. I can't believe that the Army didn't put it to better use. The Government just doesn't know what to do with anything especially money. What else do we have to look forward to in this day and age?
I lived on post and went to the Elementry school in the neighborhood from 1970-1973. I can understand how someone can break in the houses as they butt right up to the forrest near the German glider club's hanger. We lived in bldg(1) apt(1) and have over 3 other familys from that bldg who live in the Lawton Okla area today.I'd like to find others who I went to school with during that time. I remember when the first Gamma-goats where shipped in and dad saying they were worthless pieces of crap.
i was stationed in babenhausen from 1980 to the end of 82 i have so many fond memories of that place. my name is tracy mullen you can find me on myspace/487740567 if you were there around that time i would love to talk to you. and if you knew me then hell...ya better get in touch !
Babenhausen Kaserne was a beautiful place. I was stationed there back in 1970 and ran the Commcenter with additioanl responsibilites as a daily motor courier to Darmstadt/Frankfurt. It was a great gig. Anybody remember SFC Shadoan? I recall he was from Lawton OK.
oh my, my husband was stationed here in 1970-71, and I have many fond memories,,,sad to see it closed and falling to pieces...thanks for showing the pics..
It is so sad to see Babenhausen Kaserne in this shape. I was stationed at Babenhausen and assigned to the 41st FA Group from July 1971-Aug 1974. We had the 2/5th and the 83rd FA with us at that time with some units at Fliegerhorst Kaserne in Hanau. I was on an accompany tour with my family and we resided in the housing area. My son attended 2,3,4 grade at the elementary school. My wife worked at the German Mattel Factory, Ater duty hours, I worked as Master at Arms and bartender at the NCO club. I also worked weekends at the Rod and Gun Club as cook and bartender. I really enjoyed everything about Babenhausen military Kaserne e.g. the nice NCO club, Rod and Gun club, the Ist dirt race track in USAREUR. It was filled with some wonderful people, not only soldiers, but families, friends and there was never a dull moment at Babenhausen. I met some great soldiers while there. I will always remember the good times, the unit Esprit and unit cohesion. I can only assume many of the soldiers and family members are now living in the vicinity of Ft. Sill OK Lawton. It was one of my most enjoyable assignment.
@ oklamtnbkr - I was stationed there from '77 - '80 (SVC 2/5 FA) and I drove one of those Gamma-goats. Listen to your dad. He was right. :-). But other than that, Babenhausen was a great place to be.
To the Guy who worked at the rod & gun Club, I was one of the kids that picked up the unbroke clay-pigeons for $$$ and remember always playing the new song "Jeremiah was a bull frog"...My Mom went to the Mattel factory around Christmas time for 3 years to get toys for the orphanages and spent many evenings wrapping those piles of toys. There are LOTS of familys in the Lawton/Ft Sill area that were in Babenhausen,my dad was in the 2nd/83rd....from Oklamtnbkr
My, my, I'm the oldest of old-timers posting here! I was at Babenhausen Kaserne 1960-62, assigned to 134th QM Bakery Co but never baked a loaf as I was put to work at 14th Qm Battalion when when personnel found that I could type! In those days my dollar yielded 4.20 DM. Biggest excitement was when Berlin Wall went up. Everyone was put on alert but no action. A positive experience.
I remember well, good times at the EM Club--some pretty good bands, too. Back in 69-70, simply walked across the street from HHB 36FA. Wish I could remember the name of the waitress, a woman who had been there many years. Also, there was a "guesthouse" right outside the main gate as I remember. We used to frequent that place when we wanted a change from the EM club. Anybody have any memories from that era?
hello to all ,,i was in the 2nd83rd fa unit there from april...1970 to march 1971,,some of the pictures there are memory recalls ,,i even saw my old barracks there in one,, i was across the street from the little airfield,, did a lot of training on those grounds,,i was in b battery commo..the 1st sargeant at the time was named Head,, my last name is Blizard
My mother was a Latvian refugee who stayed at Babenhausen after the war when she was around 7 or 8 years old. In 1951, she and her parents were granted permission to emigrate to the United States.
I was stationed at babenhausen kaserne from 1986-1988. Our battalion 2/77 was a new unit. We had new barracks, motor pool, and HQ's. They built a new mess hall also, it was for the entire base. Other new facillaties added during my stay PX, burger king, rec center, medical center, and few other things. I really enjoyed my time there. I had a lot of fun and many friends. We hung out at the irish pub and the eighty deuce. It was a great experience.
I was stationed in Darmstadt but was on a personnel contact team that drove there daily. 1992-1994 my cousin who was field artillery was there at the same time.
I am helping my dad Marcus Morrow 2/5 FA (HHB) reconnect with his army buddies from 75-80. We have found a few and are still looking! I compiled a list, but the list keeps growing. Do know any of these people??? Please email me!
Gene Langford Rod Smith Rick Smith Pat Debush Todd Wicks Karl Schafferman Jack Sawyer Don Eichenauer Vicky Burkins %26 Jim Burkins Ricky Ayers (spanky Keith Seeman Mark Stafford Eddie Yoshida Tom or John McCarthy, Macarthy aka: the kid Joe Reeves Dennis Wilcox Bill Hummel James Colcut, Colquit...Ore Joe Keaton Harry Miller Dan Thomas Dave Bann Matt Reilly George Sutton Rick Bowman Hoarse Moody Sandy Seymore... Burnout.... Little Mac???? Jim Steele Terry L Roger E Welch Ronald E Smith Rich James Michael C Roach JR Freeman Steve Groat Timothay M Atkinson Tom j Feild Ken Martine Eddie J Wilson Charles Micheal Chambers Dave and Sandy Valles David B Barr Kriss Blanton Paul M Jones Known as Nurd
I lived in the Babenhausen housing area from 1961 - 1965. Enjoyed going to the AYA and and played AYA football, everyone called me 'Tarzan'. I met a wonderful girl who also lived in the housing area and we later married.
I was stationed in babenhausen from march 1959 until march 1961. I was assigned to the 134th Bakery co and attached to the 14th Quartermaster battalion inPersonnel. The commanding officer of the 134th was lst Lt Frank Preston and the asst Adj of the 14th was cwo-4 Perry E seman. I married a local german lady and we just celebrated our 51st Anniversary. We were in babenhausen for a month last March. We go back every 2 years too visit my wifes 97 year old mother. I would like too hear from anybody in the units at that time.
"Tarzan"?? I think I remember that name. You were older and went to the high school in Frankfurt. I was younger, at Babenhausen Elementary in 4-6th grades, then to Aschaffenburg for 7th grade. ONLY reason I remember the name 'Tarzan' is that my best friend was Tommy San Pedro. He had an older sister, Rosie. I think she knew you. (Strange - I, too, am married today to a girl I met in Babenhausen!!)
Anonymous said... I lived in the Babenhausen housing area from 1961 - 1965. Enjoyed going to the AYA and and played AYA football, everyone called me 'Tarzan'. I met a wonderful girl who also lived in the housing area and we later married.
Anonymous said... "Tarzan"?? I think I remember that name. You were older and went to the high school in Frankfurt. I was younger, at Babenhausen Elementary in 4-6th grades, then to Aschaffenburg for 7th grade. ONLY reason I remember the name 'Tarzan' is that my best friend was Tommy San Pedro. He had an older sister, Rosie. I think she knew you. (Strange - I, too, am married today to a girl I met in Babenhausen!!)
Anonymous... My name is Ralf Jordan, known as Tarzan, the girl I married was Kathie. What is your name?
jackson Begay....I just came across the forgotten memories "Babenhausen-Baubenhausen Barracks", and just want to say thank you for all the pics. I was stationed there from 1989-1991. I was in SVC Battery 4/18th Field Artillery, "PACK HORSE". These pics brought back so many great and some painful memories..I miss the guys that I got to spend my short but fun times I spent there. Remember the "Green Goose"?? Roving the streets of the post and going Burger King, the PX, the mess hall, and the family bbq days on the field...great memories, sad to see the Kaserne end like this. Sure wish the Govt would preserve such historic kaserne such as this
Thanks for the blog. Stationed here from 1986 and 1987. Wondered if you go back and visit are you allowed to walk around and visit the base or have the germans closed it off?
I was stationed in babenhausen between 01/1991 to 05/1992 c 4/18 field artillery. I was in the last 8"howitzer unit there that got deactivated. I do wish we had not got shut down. If anyone's looking for pictures of babenhausen kaserne there is a place on Facebook that has a lot of old and new pictures of it. If anyone was there at the time I was and in my unit my name is Mark Duhaime. I'm on Fb. Would be nice to hear from old friends.
My Dad was stationed at Babenhausen Kaserne from 1959 to 1964. I loved it there. I attended the elementary school until 1964. My fondest childhood memories are from Babenhausen. We lived in the first set of quarters, in the second stairwell, 4th floor. Met my first boyfriend there in 1964. The 'tennis court' next to our building was made into a temporary ice skating rink during the winter months. I would go the snack bar, movies, and enjoyed the Town's German swimming pool.
Hi everyone, i'm from Italy and i would leave my comment on Babenhausen, where i was guest of the 41st FAB for a week with other Italians soldiers in 1989 during halloween. Was a great experience, i was 20 and was my first visit in Germany. First fo all i would like to thank all the american soldiers i knew at that time,(you are great) i don't remember their name, only one, Major Vanjel if I'm not mistaken. We visit also Heildelberg Frankfurt and Darmstad, fantastic places, and one of the last observation posts near the ex-DDR border, a few months before fall of the berlin wall. Was incredible tu jump over the MLRS in the training field back of the base, fire with M16 (in Italy we had old Garand M1)and play bowling in the evening!! (was my first time!!! one of the best in ranking of my brothers in arms). If someone remember our visit please answer in this blog. Last thing, i'm Italian..."proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me..." God bless the USA!
My wife's parents were Latvian refugees at Babenhausen from 1945 to 1949. They met and married there and Ilga was born in nearby Hanau. The family group left Babenhausen in 1949 and started their new lives in Australia.
We would love to find a site which describes these early post-war years, when so many lives were changed for ever.
Hi, my Husband & kids & I were n Quarters on last street, with Officers! Guess b-cause we had 2 teens & 1 n 1st. Grade & little gal n diapers! My husband was Sgt. N 2/5 FA. Their billets was rt. cross cobblestones fr. Little Snack-bar. Lots of living
Hello my name is Anthony Vazquez and i was station in babenhausen from 1983-1985 i was the driver of the 8 inch howitzer in my unit B 2/83 FA OF THE 41st field artillery brigade, i remember taking the 8:05 train to Frankfurt every Friday night to party and going breakdancing at the FUNKADELIC CLUB IN Frankfurt, and also SALSA DANCING in SACHZENHAUSEN. I WAS originally from PUERTO RICO, AND ALSO I WENT TO NIJMEGAN, HOLLAND FOR THE 100 MILE MARCH and they gave me a patch for my uniform, also the WILDFLICKEN EXCERSISE. THEY CALL IT WAR GAMES EVERY YEAR, I'm retired now and living in New York City, of you remember me contact me at or, thank you
Hello my name is Anthony Vazquez and i was station in babenhausen from 1983-1985 i was the driver of the 8 inch howitzer in my unit B 2/83 FA OF THE 41st field artillery brigade, i remember taking the 8:05 train to Frankfurt every Friday night to party and going breakdancing at the FUNKADELIC CLUB IN Frankfurt, and also SALSA DANCING in SACHZENHAUSEN. I WAS originally from PUERTO RICO, AND ALSO I WENT TO NIJMEGAN, HOLLAND FOR THE 100 MILE MARCH and they gave me a patch for my uniform, also the WILDFLICKEN EXCERSISE. THEY CALL IT WAR GAMES EVERY YEAR, I'm retired now and living in New York City, of you remember me contact me at or, thank you
I was stationed with the 77th Maintenance Company in 1986 and 1987. Some of my greatest memories stay with me till this day... The trips to Graff, the Vilseck training, the Green Goose and the Flug in Hanau and, of course, Enza's Italian restaurant... Haven't been back since I left, but I will try to visit once again one of these days. Thanks for the blog and for the pictures... Sad to see it is closed...
lI was stationed with the 77th Maintenance Company in between 1985 and 1987. I have some amazing memories from that place, that time and the wonderful people I had the pleasure to serve with. Ill never forget the trips to Graff, to support the two Artillery batallions, of course the Irish pub (Green Goose?) and of course, Enza's Italian restaurant... Haven't been back since I left, but I will try to visit once again one of these days. Thanks for the blog and for the pictures!
I am looking for Mike Julson. He was stationed at Babenhausen in 1987. Does anyone know him or have any contact info for him? If so please email me at Thanks!
I am looking for Louisa Patton. She lives in the Klein-Umstadt housing area in 1981 - 1982. Does anyone know her or have maybe any contact info for her???
I was in Charlie 4/18...Steel Balls...when we would march as a platoon we would chant..."you know the now...CHEESE!!!!!" Great times. Was there 91 -92 when my tour was cut short by the deactivation. Went on to Ft. Polk then to Ft. Hood.
Was stationed there from Oct./59 to April/62 in Corporal Missile battalion. Pretty miserable time. Remember mixed drinks were twenty five cents and carton of cigarettes two dollars. Spent a lot of time on guard duty and KP. Guarded??? the Rod and Gun Club many times. Got caught sleeping by the OD one night and almost was hit with an article 15. Of the 2 1/2 years spent there, 9 months was spent in the field, including three Christmases and two New years eves.
I was stationed in Babenhausen from 1966-1968, in the Hawk Missile area. Went through their last year on a trip through Germany but was unable to stop as I was on a tour bus. I did get a quick look as we drove by and it was sad to see it closed down. I had some great times and memories of Bsbenhausen and made many friends. The German people treated us well.
I was stationed in Babenhausen from 1976 to 1979 (my first duty assignment). I really enjoyed my time there and loved traveling on train everywhere. Sad to hear that it was shut down and it's lack of use. I was with HHB 2/83 FA.
Doug bruce, stationed there in 76 to 77, then b tab 1/26th got transferred to baumholder, we became c 333rd. It was a nice place, didnt think so then, young and dumb. Hotel astoria across street was interesting. What was gasthaus name right beside it called?
Babenhausen was my last duty station B 4/77 from 83-85. Those were some wild times in my life. Spent most of my tour in the field but when back at garrison, the bar right outside main gate was favorite water hole. A tattoo from Aschaffenburg still lays front and center on my arm. Woke up one morning from a night of drinking near some manmade pond and damn if it wasn't a local hang out for nudists. We were frequent visitors from that point. As all of you, I met allot of terrific people along the way but I'm glad to be home...USA
Hi! My full name is John David Sund. I was stationed at Babenhausen Kaserne in 78-79. If anyone knew me on a first name basis, I went by my middle name David or Dave! I was with A Battery 2/5 FA. I have some cherished memories of that Post. There was a girl named Maggie, who ran the post craft-shop at that time. She had wanted to see me before I left there (October 79), but other circumstances prevented that from happening. I never did get to say goodbye to her, and thus left no forwarding address to remain in contact. I was very fond of her. If anyone of you guys or gals knew her, I would appreciate hearing from you. She had blonde hair, and had another friend named Jack, also stationed there, who often frequented the craft-shop as well. She was an American civilian. Any info would be much appreciated. It would be a dream come true to reconnect with her, even if it was just to say I had always wanted to say goodbye to her those many years ago. I went on to Ft. Ord, California from there, and got out of the service in 82. I currently live in Yucaipa, California. P.S. I don't know Maggie's last name, but she may have been Military dependent status. Again, any info would be greatly appreciated. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the life. God bless all of you who served our country.
Whoever can help with history of Camp Eschborn, please add your memories of the place as it used to be in the 70's through 90's.
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In case you do that, I take it as an acknowledgement that you understand your e-mail address could be picked-up by spam generating robots and used for uncontrolled purposes.
Unfortunately, the volume of messages including e-mail address became too high for me to request a personal acknowledgement for each and every of them.
Starting March, 25th 2014, I will assume you understand the risks and I will be publishing every valid message as submitted for review by the person posting it.
I hope you understand this change in the "policy" of this site.
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Editor's corner
Oct 17, 2015
Dear Readers,
Lots of things happening around these days... Some of the former housing areas are now converted to new role.
I promise to come back soon with a couple of photos I took since my last updates and I hope those will be a nice surprise to all of you...
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct, 4, 2014
Dear Readers,
Yes, it's been quite a long time since you haven't seen any updates on my site, but I promise you there will be news coming soon. Thank you for your patience !
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct 28, 2014
Dear Readers,
October of this year was an amazing month. Lots of events organized in Heidelberg celebrating US Army presence in town.
Soon to come an extensive update with pictures from Army Airfield, Patton Barracks, Army Hospital, Rod & Gun Club, Golf Range and many more.
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct, 4, 2014
Dear Readers,
Yes, it's been quite a long time since you haven't seen any updates on my site, but I promise you there will be news coming soon. Thank you for your patience !
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Jul, 8, 2011
Dear Readers,
I would first like to thank all of you for sharing your opinion on posts in this blog. The almost 90 votes on my latest poll show me that this means something for you - and I really appreciate that ! I'm not what's called 'professional blogger'... I'm just doing it for you and whoever comes here over and over again, it means to me it makes sense. I keep being concerned about the spam risks associated with (some of) your messages, therefore I kindly ask you to avoid including your e-mail addresses in your posts. I'm against changing rules mid-game, so I will not do it without your full and total support. Every time I receive a comment including an e-mail address, I will keep sending a confirmation mail to that e-mail address, explaining the risks you are exposing to and asking for your explicit acknowledgment before publishing it.
As many of those mails (some of which may contain really interesting info for the other of you reading this blog) remain unanswered (that means to me that most of you learned the rule on how to keep spam away), please let me know if you would mind if I might start posting some of the posts while still "anonymizing" the e-mail address (i.e. keeping username but hiding domain info - or whatever option you think would be acceptable...).
I would really appreciate your feed-back before any changes here...
Thank you !
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Jun, 5, 2011
Dear Readers,
I would first like to thank all of you for sharing your opinion on posts in this blog. Those help me understanding better what is interesting for you.
I also opened a new poll, which I invite you to vote !
In the last couple of months I tried to visit new places (Bad Kreuznach, Wuerzburg, Dexheim) and I hope the photos I published brought you some nice memories.
I still did not give up the plan to take a tour of deactivated installations in Stuttgart area, but I'm waiting for your suggestions.
Given that youtube became extremely polluted with garbage not related to advertised keywords, I decided to remove the section from the blog. I am searching an alternative way to broadcast to you relevant videos.
I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Feb, 10, 2011
Dear Readers,
First note to you in 2011 - and I will have to admit I didn't realize it's been so long since the last one.
As always, I appreciate all your comments - they make me feel there is a sense in what I am trying to put together.
As a side note, I would advise all of you to think twice before including your e-mail addresses in the comments you submit. I will continue constantly to ask you to specifically confirm if you indeed want to have the e-mail address published before doing so, as the spam generators are just waiting for this opportunity.
I am still planning to visit to Stuttgart area. Hopefully soon. Any suggestions are more than welcome !
I wish all of you to be able to visit Germany in the near future and - for those of you who will not be able to make it - I will try to continue sending back a small part of it through my pictures.
I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to hearing back from you soon !
What new locations would you like to see on "Forgotten Memories" (de-activated locations only) ? - Poll closing Jul, 15, 2011
Thank you so much for this blog. Lots of locations you feature give me flashbacks to the best (yet sometimes shittiest) times of my live. I miss hanging out "on post".
How did you get on post to get these photos?
I was stationed in Babenhausen for awhile. I still live in the area and I just recently heard that somebody broke on onto the post and proceeded to strip the houses of all there utilities. It was bound to happen the city has done nothing with the property and have just let it fall into dis-repair.
I was not allowed to get into the base itself. All pictures are taken from the outside perimeter. I'm really sorry to hear about the unfortunate event. To best of my knowledge, the area is secured and no access is allowed. Hopefully, the damage was not extensive, as it would be a pity to have those really nice houses going into rubble. At the time I was there, I noticed some windows broken, but there was some careful repair performed. If - by any chance - you hear about an 'open days' event, please let me know, as I would really like to have an inside view of the surroundings !
I was stationed Babenhausen from 94-96 and thefts were common then. I can't believe that the Army didn't put it to better use. The Government just doesn't know what to do with anything especially money. What else do we have to look forward to in this day and age?
I lived on post and went to the Elementry school in the neighborhood from 1970-1973. I can understand how someone can break in the houses as they butt right up to the forrest near the German glider club's hanger. We lived in bldg(1) apt(1) and have over 3 other familys from that bldg who live in the Lawton Okla area today.I'd like to find others who I went to school with during that time. I remember when the first Gamma-goats where shipped in and dad saying they were worthless pieces of crap.
i was stationed in babenhausen from 1980 to the end of 82 i have so many fond memories of that place. my name is tracy mullen you can find me on myspace/487740567 if you were there around that time i would love to talk to you. and if you knew me then hell...ya better get in touch !
Babenhausen Kaserne was a beautiful place. I was stationed there back in 1970 and ran the Commcenter with additioanl responsibilites as a daily motor courier to Darmstadt/Frankfurt. It was a great gig. Anybody remember SFC Shadoan? I recall he was from Lawton OK.
oh my, my husband was stationed here in 1970-71, and I have many fond memories,,,sad to see it closed and falling to pieces...thanks for showing the pics..
It is so sad to see Babenhausen Kaserne in this shape. I was stationed at Babenhausen and assigned to the 41st FA Group from July 1971-Aug 1974. We had the 2/5th and the 83rd FA with us at that time with some units at Fliegerhorst Kaserne in Hanau. I was on an accompany tour with my family and we resided in the housing area. My son attended 2,3,4 grade at the elementary school. My wife worked at the German Mattel Factory, Ater duty hours, I worked as Master at Arms and bartender at the NCO club. I also worked weekends at the Rod and Gun Club as cook and bartender. I really enjoyed everything about Babenhausen military Kaserne e.g. the nice NCO club, Rod and Gun club, the Ist dirt race track in USAREUR. It was filled with some wonderful people, not only soldiers, but families, friends and there was never a dull moment at Babenhausen. I met some great soldiers while there. I will always remember the good times, the unit Esprit and unit cohesion. I can only assume many of the soldiers and family members are now living in the vicinity of Ft. Sill OK Lawton. It was one of my most enjoyable assignment.
I was at Babenhausen from 1970-73.
and still live there.......
Check out my Babenhausen Post Page:
Thank you very much for your comment and - specially - for the link to the Babenhausen Kaserne site.
If - by any chance - you hear about an 'open doors' day, please let me know ! I would really love to see the base not only through the fences.
@ oklamtnbkr - I was stationed there from '77 - '80 (SVC 2/5 FA) and I drove one of those Gamma-goats. Listen to your dad. He was right. :-). But other than that, Babenhausen was a great place to be.
To the Guy who worked at the rod & gun Club, I was one of the kids that picked up the unbroke clay-pigeons for $$$ and remember always playing the new song "Jeremiah was a bull frog"...My Mom went to the Mattel factory around Christmas time for 3 years to get toys for the orphanages and spent many evenings wrapping those piles of toys. There are LOTS of familys in the Lawton/Ft Sill area that were in Babenhausen,my dad was in the 2nd/83rd....from Oklamtnbkr
My, my, I'm the oldest of old-timers posting here! I was at Babenhausen Kaserne 1960-62, assigned to 134th QM Bakery Co but never baked a loaf as I was put to work at 14th Qm Battalion when when personnel found that I could type! In those days my dollar yielded 4.20 DM. Biggest excitement was when Berlin Wall went up. Everyone was put on alert but no action. A positive experience.
I remember well, good times at the EM Club--some pretty good bands, too. Back in 69-70, simply walked across the street from HHB 36FA. Wish I could remember the name of the waitress, a woman who had been there many years. Also, there was a "guesthouse" right outside the main gate as I remember. We used to frequent that place when we wanted a change from the EM club. Anybody have any memories from that era?
I will post in the following days some recent pictures I took of the buildings on the main street (Aschaffenburger Str.).
Thank you for your messages and I hope to see you coming back soon.
hello to all ,,i was in the 2nd83rd fa unit there from april...1970 to march 1971,,some of the pictures there are memory recalls ,,i even saw my old barracks there in one,, i was across the street from the little airfield,, did a lot of training on those grounds,,i was in b battery commo..the 1st sargeant at the time was named Head,, my last name is Blizard
My mother was a Latvian refugee who stayed at Babenhausen after the war when she was around 7 or 8 years old. In 1951, she and her parents were granted permission to emigrate to the United States.
I was stationed at babenhausen kaserne from 1986-1988. Our battalion 2/77 was a new unit. We had new barracks, motor pool, and HQ's. They built a new mess hall also, it was for the entire base. Other new facillaties added during my stay PX, burger king, rec center, medical center, and few other things. I really enjoyed my time there. I had a lot of fun and many friends. We hung out at the irish pub and the eighty deuce. It was a great experience.
I was stationed in Darmstadt but was on a personnel contact team that drove there daily. 1992-1994 my cousin who was field artillery was there at the same time.
I am helping my dad Marcus Morrow 2/5 FA (HHB) reconnect with his army buddies from 75-80. We have found a few and are still looking! I compiled a list, but the list keeps growing. Do know any of these people??? Please email me!
Gene Langford
Rod Smith
Rick Smith
Pat Debush
Todd Wicks
Karl Schafferman
Jack Sawyer
Don Eichenauer
Vicky Burkins %26 Jim Burkins
Ricky Ayers (spanky
Keith Seeman
Mark Stafford
Eddie Yoshida
Tom or John McCarthy, Macarthy aka: the kid
Joe Reeves
Dennis Wilcox
Bill Hummel
James Colcut, Colquit...Ore
Joe Keaton
Harry Miller
Dan Thomas
Dave Bann
Matt Reilly
George Sutton
Rick Bowman
Hoarse Moody
Sandy Seymore...
Little Mac????
Jim Steele
Terry L
Roger E Welch
Ronald E Smith
Rich James
Michael C Roach
JR Freeman
Steve Groat
Timothay M Atkinson
Tom j Feild
Ken Martine
Eddie J Wilson
Charles Micheal Chambers
Dave and Sandy Valles
David B Barr
Kriss Blanton
Paul M Jones Known as Nurd
I lived in the Babenhausen housing area from 1961 - 1965. Enjoyed going to the AYA and and played AYA football, everyone called me 'Tarzan'. I met a wonderful girl who also lived in the housing area and we later married.
I was stationed in babenhausen from march 1959 until march 1961. I was assigned to the 134th Bakery co and attached to the 14th Quartermaster battalion inPersonnel. The commanding officer of the 134th was lst Lt Frank Preston and the asst Adj of the 14th was cwo-4 Perry E seman. I married a local german lady and we just celebrated our 51st Anniversary. We were in babenhausen for a month last March. We go back every 2 years too visit my wifes 97 year old mother. I would like too hear from anybody in the units at that time.
"Tarzan"?? I think I remember that name. You were older and went to the high school in Frankfurt. I was younger, at Babenhausen Elementary in 4-6th grades, then to Aschaffenburg for 7th grade.
ONLY reason I remember the name 'Tarzan' is that my best friend was Tommy San Pedro. He had an older sister, Rosie. I think she knew you. (Strange - I, too, am married today to a girl I met in Babenhausen!!)
Anonymous said...
I lived in the Babenhausen housing area from 1961 - 1965. Enjoyed going to the AYA and and played AYA football, everyone called me 'Tarzan'. I met a wonderful girl who also lived in the housing area and we later married.
Anonymous said...
"Tarzan"?? I think I remember that name. You were older and went to the high school in Frankfurt. I was younger, at Babenhausen Elementary in 4-6th grades, then to Aschaffenburg for 7th grade.
ONLY reason I remember the name 'Tarzan' is that my best friend was Tommy San Pedro. He had an older sister, Rosie. I think she knew you. (Strange - I, too, am married today to a girl I met in Babenhausen!!)
Anonymous... My name is Ralf Jordan, known as Tarzan, the girl I married was Kathie. What is your name?
jackson Begay....I just came across the forgotten memories "Babenhausen-Baubenhausen Barracks", and just want to say thank you for all the pics. I was stationed there from 1989-1991. I was in SVC Battery 4/18th Field Artillery, "PACK HORSE". These pics brought back so many great and some painful memories..I miss the guys that I got to spend my short but fun times I spent there.
Remember the "Green Goose"?? Roving the streets of the post and going Burger King, the PX, the mess hall, and the family bbq days on the field...great memories, sad to see the Kaserne end like this. Sure wish the
Govt would preserve such historic kaserne such as this
Thanks for the blog. Stationed here from 1986 and 1987. Wondered if you go back and visit are you allowed to walk around and visit the base or have the germans closed it off?
I was stationed in babenhausen between 01/1991 to 05/1992 c 4/18 field artillery. I was in the last 8"howitzer unit there that got deactivated. I do wish we had not got shut down. If anyone's looking for pictures of babenhausen kaserne there is a place on Facebook that has a lot of old and new pictures of it. If anyone was there at the time I was and in my unit my name is Mark Duhaime. I'm on Fb. Would be nice to hear from old friends.
Stationed in babenhausen from 1971 to 1972, great memories. I will get back there to visit soon...
My Dad was stationed at Babenhausen Kaserne from 1959 to 1964. I loved it there. I attended the elementary school until 1964. My fondest childhood memories are from Babenhausen. We lived in the first set of quarters, in the second stairwell, 4th floor. Met my first boyfriend there in 1964. The 'tennis court' next to our building was made into a temporary ice skating rink during the winter months. I would go the snack bar, movies, and enjoyed the Town's German swimming pool.
Hi everyone, i'm from Italy and i would leave my comment on Babenhausen, where i was guest of the 41st FAB for a week with other Italians soldiers in 1989 during halloween.
Was a great experience, i was 20 and was my first visit in Germany. First fo all i would like to thank all the american soldiers i knew at that time,(you are great) i don't remember their name, only one, Major Vanjel if I'm not mistaken.
We visit also Heildelberg Frankfurt and Darmstad, fantastic places, and one of the last observation posts near the ex-DDR border, a few months before fall of the berlin wall.
Was incredible tu jump over the MLRS in the training field back of the base, fire with M16 (in Italy we had old Garand M1)and play bowling in the evening!! (was my first time!!! one of the best in ranking of my brothers in arms). If someone remember our visit please answer in this blog.
Last thing, i'm Italian..."proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me..." God bless the USA!
My wife's parents were Latvian refugees at Babenhausen from 1945 to 1949. They met and married there and Ilga was born in nearby Hanau. The family group left Babenhausen in 1949 and started their new lives in Australia.
We would love to find a site which describes these early post-war years, when so many lives were changed for ever.
Hi, my Husband & kids & I were n Quarters on last street, with Officers! Guess b-cause we had 2 teens & 1 n 1st. Grade & little gal n diapers! My husband was Sgt. N 2/5 FA. Their billets was rt. cross cobblestones fr. Little Snack-bar. Lots of living
Hello my name is Anthony Vazquez and i was station in babenhausen from 1983-1985 i was the driver of the 8 inch howitzer in my unit B 2/83 FA OF THE 41st field artillery brigade, i remember taking the 8:05 train to Frankfurt every Friday night to party and going breakdancing at the FUNKADELIC CLUB IN Frankfurt, and also SALSA DANCING in SACHZENHAUSEN. I WAS originally from PUERTO RICO, AND ALSO I WENT TO NIJMEGAN, HOLLAND FOR THE 100 MILE MARCH and they gave me a patch for my uniform, also the WILDFLICKEN EXCERSISE. THEY CALL IT WAR GAMES EVERY YEAR, I'm retired now and living in New York City, of you remember me contact me at or, thank you
I was station in1983.1985
Hello my name is Anthony Vazquez and i was station in babenhausen from 1983-1985 i was the driver of the 8 inch howitzer in my unit B 2/83 FA OF THE 41st field artillery brigade, i remember taking the 8:05 train to Frankfurt every Friday night to party and going breakdancing at the FUNKADELIC CLUB IN Frankfurt, and also SALSA DANCING in SACHZENHAUSEN. I WAS originally from PUERTO RICO, AND ALSO I WENT TO NIJMEGAN, HOLLAND FOR THE 100 MILE MARCH and they gave me a patch for my uniform, also the WILDFLICKEN EXCERSISE. THEY CALL IT WAR GAMES EVERY YEAR, I'm retired now and living in New York City, of you remember me contact me at or, thank you
I was stationed with the 77th Maintenance Company in 1986 and 1987. Some of my greatest memories stay with me till this day... The trips to Graff, the Vilseck training, the Green Goose and the Flug in Hanau and, of course, Enza's Italian restaurant... Haven't been back since I left, but I will try to visit once again one of these days. Thanks for the blog and for the pictures... Sad to see it is closed...
lI was stationed with the 77th Maintenance Company in between 1985 and 1987. I have some amazing memories from that place, that time and the wonderful people I had the pleasure to serve with. Ill never forget the trips to Graff, to support the two Artillery batallions, of course the Irish pub (Green Goose?) and of course, Enza's Italian restaurant... Haven't been back since I left, but I will try to visit once again one of these days. Thanks for the blog and for the pictures!
I was stationed there 92-95. Good times as a 13m and at cheers
I am looking for Mike Julson. He was stationed at Babenhausen in 1987. Does anyone know him or have any contact info for him? If so please email me at Thanks!
I am looking for Louisa Patton. She lives in the Klein-Umstadt housing area in 1981 - 1982.
Does anyone know her or have maybe any contact info for her???
I was in Charlie 4/18...Steel Balls...when we would march as a platoon we would chant..."you know the now...CHEESE!!!!!" Great times. Was there 91 -92 when my tour was cut short by the deactivation. Went on to Ft. Polk then to Ft. Hood.
I was there same time you were it looks like. Under Ssg Richardson and 1st Sgt Ahumada.
Was stationed there from Oct./59 to April/62 in Corporal Missile battalion. Pretty miserable time. Remember mixed drinks were twenty five cents and carton of cigarettes two dollars. Spent a lot of time on guard duty and KP. Guarded??? the Rod and Gun Club many times. Got caught sleeping by the OD one night and almost was hit with an article 15. Of the 2 1/2 years spent there, 9 months was spent in the field, including three Christmases and two New years eves.
I was stationed in Babenhausen from 1966-1968, in the Hawk Missile area. Went through their last year on a trip through Germany but was unable to stop as I was on a tour bus. I did get a quick look as we drove by and it was sad to see it closed down. I had some great times and memories of Bsbenhausen and made many friends. The German people treated us well.
Joe Aiello
I was stationed in Babenhausen from 1976 to 1979 (my first duty assignment). I really enjoyed my time there and loved traveling on train everywhere. Sad to hear that it was shut down and it's lack of use. I was with HHB 2/83 FA.
Jim Brehm
Doug bruce, stationed there in 76 to 77, then b tab 1/26th got transferred to baumholder, we became c 333rd. It was a nice place, didnt think so then, young and dumb. Hotel astoria across street was interesting. What was gasthaus name right beside it called?
I was there the same time. C 2/5 FDC Had motorcycle and rode with guy who had bought Harley at px
I was in 2/5 and hung with a guy named Jim in the 83d. Same period
Babenhausen was my last duty station B 4/77 from 83-85. Those were some wild times in my life. Spent most of my tour in the field but when back at garrison, the bar right outside main gate was favorite water hole. A tattoo from Aschaffenburg still lays front and center on my arm. Woke up one morning from a night of drinking near some manmade pond and damn if it wasn't a local hang out for nudists. We were frequent visitors from that point. As all of you, I met allot of terrific people along the way but I'm glad to be home...USA
Hi! My full name is John David Sund. I was stationed at Babenhausen Kaserne in 78-79. If anyone knew me on a first name basis, I went by my middle name David or Dave! I was with A Battery 2/5 FA. I have some cherished memories of that Post. There was a girl named Maggie, who ran the post craft-shop at that time. She had wanted to see me before I left there (October 79), but other circumstances prevented that from happening. I never did get to say goodbye to her, and thus left no forwarding address to remain in contact. I was very fond of her. If anyone of you guys or gals knew her, I would appreciate hearing from you. She had blonde hair, and had another friend named Jack, also stationed there, who often frequented the craft-shop as well. She was an American civilian. Any info would be much appreciated. It would be a dream come true to reconnect with her, even if it was just to say I had always wanted to say goodbye to her those many years ago. I went on to Ft. Ord, California from there, and got out of the service in 82. I currently live in Yucaipa, California. P.S. I don't know Maggie's last name, but she may have been Military dependent status. Again, any info would be greatly appreciated. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the life. God bless all of you who served our country.
Did you know a Tom mcelrath and Pat Rivera
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