Friday, October 3, 2014

Heidelberg - Rod & Gun Club

 photo Heidelberg-Rode-and-gun-club-1.jpg

Heidelberg - Rode and Gun Club, Sep 2014 photo Heidelberg-Rode-and-gun-club-5.jpg

Heidelberg - Rode and Gun Club, Sep 2014 photo Heidelberg-Rode-and-gun-club-4.jpg

 photo Heidelberg-Rode-and-gun-club-3.jpg

 photo Heidelberg-Rode-and-gun-club-2.jpg

1 comment:

Conrad Lippincott said...

I took the only known photo of the Sembach Rod and Gun Club. Years ago, I had a phone conversation with the base commander at the time it was leveled. He was against it, but since a two star general (17th AF HQ) was on base - and made the call, it made for a tricky situation for him, as he was an avid outdoorsman himself. What a shame.
Best wishes
Conrad Lippincott
38 CES

Information needed...

Whoever can help with history of Camp Eschborn, please add your memories of the place as it used to be in the 70's through 90's.

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