A blog about the time that passed and the traces it left behind.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Darmstadt - Melibokus Radio Relay
Thanks to whoever posted these photos. My unit had a fixed station relay site there in the 70-72 time period. Looks totally different of course, we didn't have a large concrete tower. Great memories.
I worked at the Radio relay sites for Darmstadt, Hanau, Melibokus, Breitsol, and Giessen as a contractor between 02-05. We shut down Giessen & Breitsol (Spessart) in 04 and Melibokus ~ 05 if I recall correctly as the radio links were replaced by fiber optics.
Wow, Melibokus in all it's glory back in the day was a great assignment. Stationed from May 86 to Oct 88 was the best time of my life in the Army. We had our own Chief, Gym, Rec center with pool table & ping-pong. In town Bensheim was a great Pub called "Bierkeller" I think where I learned to speak German. Good times!
Wow, Melibokus in all it's glory back in the day was a great assignment. Stationed from May 86 to Oct 88 was the best time of my life in the Army. We had our own Chief, Gym, Rec center with pool table & ping-pong. In town Bensheim was a great Pub called "Bierkeller" I think where I learned to speak German. Good times!
I was stationed with 11AD Co. C but on occassion, worked up on Melibokus from 87-89. Always loved the drive up the mountain and down, especially in the winter. Many fond memories of this place.
asicdlGreat pictures of Melibokus! I was stationed there in 1954-55. I considered it to have been one of the greatest and rewarding experiences of my life. If any of you who were stationed there can find other websites regarding Melibokus, you can ride with a mountain biker down a trail on the mountain. Of course, the trail was not there in 54 and 55. My memories of too vast to comment further in this blog. Great experience? — Donald N.
Was stationed on site from 85 - 88. Team chief then asset site commander. Sure had some good times there. DOD shows for the teams at site. Used to take our family dog to site so he could run. I was in C 11 signal. Melibokus sure has changed but not in my mind. Great assignment. Sgt. W
Melibokus was one of our distant ends. Remember when they made it a remote site.Little did I realize the new digital technology was going to destroy good technicians with posers. Still, most of us have fond memories of that era. (Yeah, we are getting on in years.)
Whoever can help with history of Camp Eschborn, please add your memories of the place as it used to be in the 70's through 90's.
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Spam protection notice
Dear Friends,
I would kindly ask each of you to think twice before including your e-mail address in the comments you post.
In case you do that, I take it as an acknowledgement that you understand your e-mail address could be picked-up by spam generating robots and used for uncontrolled purposes.
Unfortunately, the volume of messages including e-mail address became too high for me to request a personal acknowledgement for each and every of them.
Starting March, 25th 2014, I will assume you understand the risks and I will be publishing every valid message as submitted for review by the person posting it.
I hope you understand this change in the "policy" of this site.
Thank you for your understanding and looking forward to see you around !
Editor's corner
Oct 17, 2015
Dear Readers,
Lots of things happening around these days... Some of the former housing areas are now converted to new role.
I promise to come back soon with a couple of photos I took since my last updates and I hope those will be a nice surprise to all of you...
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct, 4, 2014
Dear Readers,
Yes, it's been quite a long time since you haven't seen any updates on my site, but I promise you there will be news coming soon. Thank you for your patience !
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct 28, 2014
Dear Readers,
October of this year was an amazing month. Lots of events organized in Heidelberg celebrating US Army presence in town.
Soon to come an extensive update with pictures from Army Airfield, Patton Barracks, Army Hospital, Rod & Gun Club, Golf Range and many more.
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Oct, 4, 2014
Dear Readers,
Yes, it's been quite a long time since you haven't seen any updates on my site, but I promise you there will be news coming soon. Thank you for your patience !
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Jul, 8, 2011
Dear Readers,
I would first like to thank all of you for sharing your opinion on posts in this blog. The almost 90 votes on my latest poll show me that this means something for you - and I really appreciate that ! I'm not what's called 'professional blogger'... I'm just doing it for you and whoever comes here over and over again, it means to me it makes sense. I keep being concerned about the spam risks associated with (some of) your messages, therefore I kindly ask you to avoid including your e-mail addresses in your posts. I'm against changing rules mid-game, so I will not do it without your full and total support. Every time I receive a comment including an e-mail address, I will keep sending a confirmation mail to that e-mail address, explaining the risks you are exposing to and asking for your explicit acknowledgment before publishing it.
As many of those mails (some of which may contain really interesting info for the other of you reading this blog) remain unanswered (that means to me that most of you learned the rule on how to keep spam away), please let me know if you would mind if I might start posting some of the posts while still "anonymizing" the e-mail address (i.e. keeping username but hiding domain info - or whatever option you think would be acceptable...).
I would really appreciate your feed-back before any changes here...
Thank you !
And... don't forget: I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Jun, 5, 2011
Dear Readers,
I would first like to thank all of you for sharing your opinion on posts in this blog. Those help me understanding better what is interesting for you.
I also opened a new poll, which I invite you to vote !
In the last couple of months I tried to visit new places (Bad Kreuznach, Wuerzburg, Dexheim) and I hope the photos I published brought you some nice memories.
I still did not give up the plan to take a tour of deactivated installations in Stuttgart area, but I'm waiting for your suggestions.
Given that youtube became extremely polluted with garbage not related to advertised keywords, I decided to remove the section from the blog. I am searching an alternative way to broadcast to you relevant videos.
I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to seeing you back soon !
Feb, 10, 2011
Dear Readers,
First note to you in 2011 - and I will have to admit I didn't realize it's been so long since the last one.
As always, I appreciate all your comments - they make me feel there is a sense in what I am trying to put together.
As a side note, I would advise all of you to think twice before including your e-mail addresses in the comments you submit. I will continue constantly to ask you to specifically confirm if you indeed want to have the e-mail address published before doing so, as the spam generators are just waiting for this opportunity.
I am still planning to visit to Stuttgart area. Hopefully soon. Any suggestions are more than welcome !
I wish all of you to be able to visit Germany in the near future and - for those of you who will not be able to make it - I will try to continue sending back a small part of it through my pictures.
I hope you enjoyed your visit on Forgotten Memories and I am looking forward to hearing back from you soon !
What new locations would you like to see on "Forgotten Memories" (de-activated locations only) ? - Poll closing Jul, 15, 2011
Thanks to whoever posted these photos. My unit had a fixed station relay site there in the 70-72 time period. Looks totally different of course, we didn't have a large concrete tower. Great memories.
I worked at the Radio relay sites for Darmstadt, Hanau, Melibokus, Breitsol, and Giessen as a contractor between 02-05. We shut down Giessen & Breitsol (Spessart) in 04 and Melibokus ~ 05 if I recall correctly as the radio links were replaced by fiber optics.
Wow, Melibokus in all it's glory back in the day was a great assignment. Stationed from May 86 to Oct 88 was the best time of my life in the Army. We had our own Chief, Gym, Rec center with pool table & ping-pong. In town Bensheim was a great Pub called "Bierkeller" I think where I learned to speak German. Good times!
Wow, Melibokus in all it's glory back in the day was a great assignment. Stationed from May 86 to Oct 88 was the best time of my life in the Army. We had our own Chief, Gym, Rec center with pool table & ping-pong. In town Bensheim was a great Pub called "Bierkeller" I think where I learned to speak German. Good times!
I was there from 83 to 86 We did 24 hr shifts for along time up and down every day!
I was stationed with 11AD Co. C but on occassion, worked up on Melibokus from 87-89. Always loved the drive up the mountain and down, especially in the winter. Many fond memories of this place.
asicdlGreat pictures of Melibokus! I was stationed there in 1954-55. I considered it to have been one of the greatest and rewarding experiences of my life. If any of you who were stationed there can find other websites regarding Melibokus, you can ride with a mountain biker down a trail on the mountain. Of course, the trail was not there in 54 and 55. My memories of too vast to comment further in this blog. Great experience? — Donald N.
Was stationed on site from 85 - 88. Team chief then asset site commander. Sure had some good times there. DOD shows for the teams at site. Used to take our family dog to site so he could run. I was in C 11 signal. Melibokus sure has changed but not in my mind. Great assignment. Sgt. W
My dad was there from 1970 until 72 or 74. He is looking for pics of the old towers before they were replaced with concrete. Anyone able to assist?
Melibokus was one of our distant ends. Remember when they made it a remote site.Little did I realize the new digital technology was going to destroy good technicians with posers. Still, most of us have fond memories of that era. (Yeah, we are getting on in years.)
I was C Co.11th Sig stationed on Melibokus in 89.
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